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For those of you who have never visited, that's "Fundies Say The Darnedest Things." It was offline for a while. The site owner was busy with general real-life issues, I guess.
(Latest link at bottom.)
He takes on the truly awesome challenge of ferreting out the stupidest Fundie/Woo-Woo posts every month, from various boards. "Rapture Ready" is, of course, a deep and bottomless well...or sinkhole...of Fundie wisdom.
A few modest examples:
"What these people are overlooking is that western science uses 'laws of physics' to determine a probable outcome based on already known equations, which to me seems a bit text-bookish and regurgitative. They aren't taking into account quantum sciences that acknowledge things such as Qi (Chi) energies that exist in every one of us. This Qi energy may be able to be used to perform similar feats with with an amount of effort that would defy our 'laws' of physics."--Kerry Taylor, BBC News
Replying to a thread about a child bringing home a book from school about different kinds of families, which includes two same sex couples:
"What do you expect from the teachers since it seems so many are bent on sexually assaulting the students under their care? If they are sexual preverts then I am sure teaching a homosexual agenda doesn't bother them."--ShoutToTheLord, Rapture Ready
"I just had a very eerie thought while working--this may have been addressed before, if so, I apologize. We come to this board for fellowship, to keep each other up on current events, to gather as believers and support each other. Are we being watched? There are many groups out there that think the "religious right" and Christians are a bunch of whacks that present a threat to the coming governmental plans, One World Order, etc. Could they be watching and what do they glean from our posts? Of course, with God for us who can be against us, but there are some mighty evil and powerful people out there that don't like the intelligent discussions we are having--we are too smart for them. Just a thought."--Momoftwo, Rapture Ready