Raton High School Principal Geoff McKee, with students dustin Donahue, left, and Rocky Buttery, asked groups to pray for the students' success.
(Sun-Sentinel/Carline Jean)
BOCA RATON · Students may have worked hard, but it was God who led Boca Raton High School to its A grade from the state and numerous other accomplishments last year, Principal Geoff McKee said.
McKee, a public school principal for the past four years, came under fire last year for his references to God in his meetings with teachers.
But he says he also received accolades from Christians across the country, who, he said, prayed for the school's success.
McKee, 42, believes the widespread prayer efforts achieved a miracle for the formerly C-rated school, which got B's in 2003 and 2004 before its A school year. He said the school district had anticipated a D for Boca High last year after students took diagnostic exams designed to predict scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests later in the year.
There's also a poll on the right side of the page:
The principal of Boca Raton High School credits prayer vigils for helping his students achieve an unexpected A grade from the state for their performance on the FCAT. Are his comments out of line?
Yes. He shouldn't interject his religious beliefs when talking about student performance at his school. (1725 responses)
No. If he believes the prayer vigils helped, he has a right to voice his opinion. (1767 responses)
3492 total responses