I'm an independent computer repair geek, and I do maintenance for a sign shop not far from where I live. When I first began my business they were one of my first steady clients, and on my first visit I traded my work for some magnetic vehicle signs. They would have cost me all of sixty bucks cash, but we both came out ahead-- I got a great advertising tool, and the sign shop got their design capacity tripled in a single repair session.
I get a slow but steady stream of phone calls, usually while fighting rush hour traffic-- it's someone stuck behind me, looking at my signs and realizing they need their computer fixed. This afternoon a man wanted me to pull off the road so we could talk-- five minutes later I had a firm appointment to go to his house and fix two computers.
If you're wondering how to get the word out about what you do, I've found those signs to be a major factor in pulling in jobs.
Bartering work for goods or other services also helps-- I repaired a computer today for a promotional products seller, and in lieu of two hours pay he's going to give me a box of magnetic business cards, based on my professionally printed design. Retail price is about $110-$120, or so he quoted to me.
Small things like that really go a long way. Trust me.