Space depends on the market. Some have long waiting lists, others are easy to get in to. Most offer the option of either being a full season vendor or selling on select days. Permits at 1 market we do are basically non-existant because city codes say 1-day events are an exception to the rule (Market is 1 day a week for 26 weeks). So our vendors can sell jams, honey, breads, cookies etc without health dept permits. We are selling at a second market this year that requires a $1 million insurance policy. It is hit and miss. When you enter into meat and dairy it can get a little sticky- but it can also add a lot to the Market's offerings.
It is an excellent way to get your product out there in front of a lot of potential customers. Moreover, you are in a venue that encourages communication, education, and especially community. You can develop great relationships with other vendors and learn about their products. We end each Saturday Market by bartering our leftover coffee and bread with the other sellers and end up coming home with a carload of fruits, veggies, pottery, cheese, buffalo, etc. I think it is a fantastic help in these uncertain economic times to network with local growers of produce as well as beef farmers (happy cows and all), goat farmers (mmm goat cheese!), etc etc.
Where do you live? What are you interested in selling?
Good luck- feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat more.