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How to Get an Import License?

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On the Road Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 10:57 AM
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How to Get an Import License?
My girlfriend wants to investigate importing appliances or electronic equipment from China. She has an LLC set up but believes that she needs a license to import.

Does anyone have experience getting an import license or know where we would go to get one?

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Bonhomme Richard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-23-05 10:27 PM
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1. I import and I don't have any particular license. n/t
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WhoseMarie Donating Member (59 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-13-05 03:50 PM
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2. It's been a few years
BUT I was in the import business until maybe 1990 (when Reagan and his buddies blew up that oil platform and the dollar took a dive and I got out then 'cause we were doomed, thanks again to the Rethugs).

I don't think the laws have changed since then, however. You do not need an import license but you do need to comply with the US import laws. For instance - some things to look at : labeling. Anything coming into the US has to be properly labeled or it could be confiscated by Customs. As for China, I was doing business with China in the late 80's and I don't know if it has changed much - but it was a mess then. International law didn't touch them and you never really had any control as to what you'd get. If you ordered widgets, and you got wadgets,'re just friggin doomed! However, I am Caucasian. I had a good agent in Hong Kong back then who was originally from Shanghai, and he helped some but even he had limits as to what he could pull off when it comes to a stubborn manufacturer. I quit doing business with China after I lost a lot of money with just the above - not receiving what I ordered (that I knew would sell) and also, receiving damaged goods and late shipments.

If she's of Chinese descent and has relatives there, it could help. However, please also be aware that there are a huge number of smuggled Chinese goods coming into this country 'backdoor'. Relatives in China take it out the backdoor of the factory, ship it to the US in a non-orthodox manner, and then it's received by relatives here. So their bottom-line cost of goods is HUGELY lower than yours would be doing business legitimately out the 'front door'. It's difficult to compete with that.

I don't want to sound negative - there is obviously money to be made (i.e. the evil, a**holes Walmart). However, when you're new and a small company, you're not worthy of the attention it takes to do business correctly, it seems.

Just my take on it!

By the way, I was doing decorative arts and porcelains - and after I 'dumped' China, I started doing business with some Italian companies and had a wonderful experience with them.
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