We have 8 domains that are latent and that need to be developed. Our main site grosses about 2M/yr. However, we need to cast a wider net for the products that we offer (mostly mailboxes - commercial and residential).
The critical tasks at hand are:
Using the templates, get the sites up and running (will need to migrate from a couple of other hosting companies) using the Network Solutions shopping cart, create landing pages using html coding, upload product descriptions and images, set product variations and personalizations, and then marry the content with appropriate SEO page titles, meta descriptions and keywords. Attention to detail (alt tags, anchor text, etc) is critical. (caveat, we could be persuaded to migrate to a more pliable platform/shopping cart solution, with a well reasoned argument)
Maintenance of the current site will include revising pricing, updating images, and ensuring that product offerings match our supplier's inventory. Sourcing new products will also be required, and should be accompanied by posts in social media vehicles -- blogs, Facebook, Yelp.
This is the first endeavor to see what talent is available, and a hiring date has not yet been set. If you are interested, please send me a PM with a short synopsis of your qualifications and any relevant links to sites that you have developed. Locally available candidates are preferred (South Bay Los Angeles).
Thank you in advance for your responses!