First of all, i'm not opposed to them changing the story a bit for a movie. Spidey's 'natural' webshooters. Lots of people were upset about that, but it's fine. It may have taken a little bit away from his 'science' nature, but that was fairly well established anyway, and never really a huge component to the character. Though one thing I liked about it was how web shooter fluid was expensive and he'd complain about wasting it...ah well
Now the fantastic four, all being created alongside doom...he turns bad, they turn fantastic....lame.
Also, I think the Thing's makeup job sucks. The Corman movie Thing may even have looked better. Here's a case where I may have really been supportive of a CGI character in his place. The thing should be huge. This is a guy who can't get into a cab in the comics cause he pulls the door off the handle, then breaks the roof trying to fit in. Chilkis with orange prosthetics doesn't do it for me.
Lastly, I think Jessica Alba is hot, but she's not Sue Storm in a big way. She just doesn't look right with blonde hair. The rest of her coloring is wrong for it and she looks....well, I like it mind you, but it isn't sue storm.
my 2 cents.