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Fantastic 4 trailer online! Pretty awesome!

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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 03:00 PM
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Fantastic 4 trailer online! Pretty awesome!
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NewJeffCT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 03:39 PM
Response to Original message
1. eh
Jessica Alba is awesome, but as a long time FF fan, I'm not waiting with bated breath for this one, as I've never even heard of the guys playing Reed Richards & Johnny Storm. Mike Chiklis as thing is good casting, and Julian McMahon as Doom is an interesting choice... I had always pictured Doom & Richards as a bit older than the rest, though.... as in, I think I had heard George Clooney a while back when they were hoping to go BIG budget. Clooney would have been good as Richards, as he's a bit older than Alba & the guy playing Johnny Storm.
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Ravenseye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 04:11 PM
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2. I'm not hopefull
First of all, i'm not opposed to them changing the story a bit for a movie. Spidey's 'natural' webshooters. Lots of people were upset about that, but it's fine. It may have taken a little bit away from his 'science' nature, but that was fairly well established anyway, and never really a huge component to the character. Though one thing I liked about it was how web shooter fluid was expensive and he'd complain about wasting it...ah well

Now the fantastic four, all being created alongside doom...he turns bad, they turn fantastic....lame.

Also, I think the Thing's makeup job sucks. The Corman movie Thing may even have looked better. Here's a case where I may have really been supportive of a CGI character in his place. The thing should be huge. This is a guy who can't get into a cab in the comics cause he pulls the door off the handle, then breaks the roof trying to fit in. Chilkis with orange prosthetics doesn't do it for me.

Lastly, I think Jessica Alba is hot, but she's not Sue Storm in a big way. She just doesn't look right with blonde hair. The rest of her coloring is wrong for it and she looks....well, I like it mind you, but it isn't sue storm.

my 2 cents.
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Ready4Change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 01:54 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. With ya.
I wasn't a big reader of FF, but I echo many of your thoughts. Alba is wrong. Doom created at same time seems wrong. and once again Computer Graphics Designers: Just because something is hard doesn't mean it has leverage. Thing gets hit by a truck and DOESN"T MOVE? I can see him not being hurt cause he's now stony tough. But big mass hitting less mass at speed results in little mass moving at speed. Get it right, folks.

I've less issues with Things makup.

Reed Richards looked ok too me. And Johny Storm seemed to have the right attitude at least. But Alba is far too roundy and pouty faced for Sue Storm, and I''l never buy her as a blond. Bad casting, imho.

I love the super hero genre, so I'll hope it comes out better than I'm fearing. But I'm fearing.
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SlackJawedYokel Donating Member (446 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-06-05 10:13 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I'm thinking it'll be ok.. suspension of belief and all that
They *have* to change the comics folks... this stuff doesn't really translate well because the movies don't have a persistent universe.
Dr. Doom getting created along with the FF is just silly within the context of the Marvel universe, but absolutely fine within the context of a movie because you need an antagonist.
And choices of how to introduce one are limited.

By creating them all together tension can be set up between the choices made... good vs. evil to go along with the primary conflict.

And IIRC(it has been awhile), the very original FF weren't much more than early 20-somethings with Reed being late 20-something, right?

But big mass hitting less mass at speed results in little mass moving at speed. Get it right, folks.
The problem isn't one of size but one of density and of consistancy within the story.
Something roughly human sized not moved when being hit by a moving truck(size and speed of truck taken into consideration) would have to be pretty damned dense and heavy... so much so that this alone would cause major problems... walking on asphalt becomes akin to walking in mud complete with deep footprints... all but the most heavily reinforced flooring collapses underfoot... etc.
Obviously more trouble than they writers were willing to deal with.

I love the super hero genre, so I'll hope it comes out better than I'm fearing. But I'm fearing.
I love it too, but you young whippersnappers have it better than you realize and *still* you complain. :D
I'm just happy they're even *making* superhero movies now.

I'd been waiting since 1978 for them to make the X-Men movie.
I *still* want to see a good Captain America/Avengers movie.
And given how Hollywood works, we're lucky these movies even *remotely* resemble the original comics.

Flame on!
Avengers Assemble!

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NewJeffCT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 09:58 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I don't know
I had always picture RR as closer to 40 or so, as he had that shock of white hair, and I had thought of Ben Grimm as close to his age, with the Storms as younger - Sue maybe late 20s to early 30s and Johnny as early to mid 20s.

And, Doom being created with the FF is fine, as you only have 90-120 minutes in a movie instead of multiple pages across many issues of a comic book.

Capt America would be interesting.
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