in season six.
The first episode that made me go "wtf?" was when they had a big spaceship race with some aliens we'd never met before, and for something we didn't care about, and star trekky fixes to star trekky problems, and a race course that was ridiculously two dimensional.
That was a bad episode.
But the writers were able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Now it's just a space opera show. Flying around in space ships shooting enemies with new miracle ray guns that fail to work in the next episode, so they have to find a new ray gun. Plots that bring nothing to the series. Dumb jokes.
Take the new episode from two weeks ago. They take off in their new ship to rescue the people on Atlantis. They find a stricken ship, General Hammond, in complete disregard to all the previous years of the character, goes on a highly dangerous mission to rescue people, there's a goofy new character that has problems with hiccups and it's supposed to be funny, the ship gets stolen by the horrible new bad guy "super soldier" and steals the ship with only Daniel Jackson remaining. The super soldier turns out to be some sex kitten guest star from a cancelled sci-fi show. She and Jackson have a big fight/sex scene that's basically stolen right out of the cancelled series, replete with numerous unlikely escape attemts. They land the stolen ship on some new world with some new species of aliens we've never met before, have a pointless and silly battle with somehow nothing getting damaged, the crew show up to reclaim the stolen ship, the woman escapes, sure to make another guest appearence in some other episode, and the ship heads back for earth without having rescued the guys on Atlantis and ending up in the exact same place we were when we started the episode.
SG-1 has always had it's share of stinker episodes. What made the series great is that the writers could recover bad plot devices from old forgotten episodes, and turn them into something new and interesting and creative. That doesn't happen anymore.
Clearly, all the good writers have left the episode, and if the producers have any decency they'll stop beating a dead horse.