Just a couple things, for example - recall the crusty old guard, who seems to care only for his paycheck and cannot even see the people in the "sanctuary" as human beings. For him, it's pretty much a means to an end, so his job's easier if he just doesn't give a shit, and treats the people as objects.
-And yet, he is someone who could end up being one of the 'animals' rounded up and herded into the "sanctuary" if he lost his precious job. He is blind to the entire magnitude of what is going on and what he is helping to sustain.
Also recall the 'social worker' lady who gave Sisko and Bashir their cards - she made it clear that she wished things were better but gave the impression that 'alas, what can I do? This is the way it is.'
-And yet, she is a person within the beauracracy who could potentially work to change the system and take up the cause, if only she dared.
Sure, the episode may be a little sanctimonious, but it does have many elements that strike a chord in 2004.