Edited on Tue Aug-09-05 04:56 PM by Pithlet
I'd never read anything by her before, and I just finished Survival, the first book in the Species Imperative series last night. I loved this book. I'm having my husband stop on the way home to pick up the next one in the series. I also can't wait to read some of her other stuff. A few small nits, but otherwise I thought it a fantastic read. My absolute favorite thing about the book was Brymn, the alien. I just adored him. I love it when SF authors anthropomorphize their alien characters in endearing ways. And Brymn was written beautifully without being too cartoony and over the top.
*Possible spoiler below*: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
The ending absolutely broke my heart, even though it was obviously necessary for the plot continuation of the series. :cry: There were also some interesting plot twists that I didn't see coming, but didn't just come out of nowhere and were supported by plot.