I notice a certain irrational hatred for this series. I understand the feeling. I too, hated one of the new incarnations of Star Trek. I felt that it did not live up to its predecessor. Acting, plot lines, characters were all mocking my beloved series. This series was ST TNG. I hated it when it first aired. Nothing like the original. After a few years I realized that the series was quite good, and became a loyal fan. After its demise, ST DS9 was in its infancy. Same thing, I hated it, quit watching Star Trek. However, with time I rediscovered what I had missed, an outstanding series, which I now own in its entirety, on DVD.
I admit, I am a loyal ST Enterprise fan. I did not pay much interest to the first three years, until the last part of season three. I started to watch a few episodes, and became engrossed.
Enterprise offers a look at the early phase of human exploration in the Star Trek universe. As a prequel, it plays upon an enormous body of information, and generally remains true to Star Trek canon. More importantly, this series tends to encompass a positive outlook on the evolution of humankind. More so, I think, than any of the other series.
We already know how humankind progressed from the period in Enterprise, given the wealth of earlier series. The series seems to embrace a feeling of hope for the future. The opening theme projects this feeling with "faith of the heart," an undying desired to better ourselves and advance into space.
To those who have taken a negative attitude toward Enterprise, you might reconsider. Tonights episode was very good, I was captivated. The series is not perfect, can be a bit too space opera at times. I also don't much like the arcs, multi-part episodes with weekly cliff hangers. Too gimmicky, if you ask me. The arc concept can cause a lag in the story as the writers are forced to drag out the story line to fit the time alloted in the multi-part series. Still, I find the series strong and worthy of its predecessors.
Live long and prosper, or flame me for my thoughts. :thumbsup: :evilgrin: