Longtime Star Trek producer Brannon Braga told SCI FI Wire that he's done with the franchise, at least for now and for the foreseeable future. "At the moment, yeah," Braga said in an interview. "There will be a lot of fans cheering about that," he added wryly, referring to the often caustic fan criticism directed at him during his 15 years as a writer and producer on Trek series and movies.
Since the end of Star Trek: Enterprise earlier this year after four seasons on the air, there have been no plans announced for either a new Trek film or TV series for the first time in 18 years. But Braga said that, even if there were, he would likely turn down any chance to be part of it. "At this point, most likely not," Braga said. "Just having come off so many years on the show and having done something different, I just don't think I would be ready now. Nor do I think they would necessarily ask me. But if they came to me today, I would have to be very flattered, but politely decline.
Halle-freaking-lujah! Yes, Brannon, I'm one of the fans that is cheering about you leaving the franchise. You should have left a long time ago, and honestly, shoudn't have been allowed to make Entperprise. ("Temporal Cold War"? What the hell was that crap about?) Now if we can just get Berman out of there and get some new blood, I'd watch Star Trek again.