TOS hd a few quirks - such as Kirk being less than progressive in the otherwise underrated "Man Trap" (he had a pompous line about McCoy being a bleeding heart), but had evolved over the next few episodes and ultimately became a 'bleeding heart' type as well!
TNG's 1st was a pseudo-remake of TOS, when it wasn't undirected rubbish. Even the good plots were hampered by lax production values and direction. "Encounter at Farpoint", "Too Short a Season", "Datalore", "Conspiracy", "The Arsenal of Freedom", and "Skin of Evil" are some of season 1's precious few highlights, but even they have occasional dim moments. "The Neutral Zone" reintroduces the Romulans as well as defining an incident which would prove to be the Borg, but the late 20th century freezing subplot was annoying as hell. And the Southern repuke played by the guy who played Chrissy's father in Three's Company didn't help matters either!
DS9 felt like a ripoff of Babylon 5, albeit comparatively unconstructed and dull.
Voyager saw fit to be a TOS-wannabe, complete with Klin Kazon species. Voyager had potential by mixing a group of different-aligned people into a forced situation (ala "Blake's 7") but the Bermanmeister made sure that everybody would end up being as bland and paperboard before anything interesting could happen. 7-o-9 helped, but then more people were looking at her berzingees anyway. :eyes:
Enterprise is pure garbage. What's the point of a new and good concept when it can't be well used, or used in a 'prequel' where we know that they'll end up wiped out or whatever.