I'm still watching. The premise hooked me enough to give it 3-4 episodes. All a pilot needs to do is make me interested to see it again, not think it's genius. It did that. There were alot of problems I had with the writing (read Television Without Pity's coverage of it which mirrors my thoughts) but I was willing to give it a few more...see what they do...
Second episode definately didn't improve too much. My wife gave up on it 2/3rds of the way through after another poor story/plot point involving Skeet made her roll her eyes as she stood up and walked over to her computer.
I'm still in though. I want to see what happens in the next couple episodes. It feels like they're trying to do 'Lost' crossed with 'The Day After' and while that sounds good to me on paper, I think there hasn't been enough character development yet. Everyone is running around frantically with no time to involve us in them. 'Lost' gave us the flashbacks so that we get say half character development, half action, without the action seeming to be character development. I think it's brilliant storytelling. Yet in Jericho it's missing that.
Who the hell is Skeet, and where was he that he learned demolitions, electircal, field medicine, and the ability to walk on a broken leg. He's just not that enthralling an actor to make you care about him. Plus he's kind of ganky looking. Everyone is just a caractiture or worse at this point. The only character I like is the schoolteacher who broke her foot. When she came up and told him exactly what he needed to fix the air filtration system and he lookd at her and she said "yeah I was THAT popular in high school." she won me over. It won't be enough though to keep me around if things don't flesh out more.
It's supposed to be sort of a mystery about whats' going on out in the world, and I don't expect them to lay out exactly what happened and where precisely yet, and not for a bit either, but I need people to stop running around for 5 minutes and let me find out who the characters are if they expect me to give a shit.
My 2 cents.