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The Beebe features Alistair Reynolds (no spoilers)

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eppur_se_muova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-01-07 05:50 PM
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The Beebe features Alistair Reynolds (no spoilers)
Science fiction 'thrives in hi-tech world'

By Darren Waters
Technology editor, BBC News website

But when we live in a world immersed in nanotechnology, quantum computing and discoveries of Super Earth-like planets, do we need science fiction anymore?

"The common complaint now is that science fiction is already outmoded because we are living in a science fiction universe," says Mr Reynolds. "I've got some sympathy with that. Only the other day I was in Amsterdam airport and I noticed security guards nipping around on Segways with machine guns.
Mr Reynolds believes that the pace of change makes science fiction essential reading, now more than ever.
As a scientist he uses contemporary development in science and projects their future use in his novels.

"I always say that keeping abreast of science should never be seen as a chore. It should be something you do naturally. I don't sit there reading New Scientist putting post-it notes next to ideas.
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YankeyMCC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-01-07 05:59 PM
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1. I'm just finishing up "Absolution Gap"
It's funny that Asimov is mentioned as part of the heritage he draws on as they put it. There have been a few moments throughout the Revelation Space series of stories where I felt like I was reading a Foundation or Empire story from Asimov. And I said just the other day that I haven't been as captured by a series of stories since first reading Foundation stories.
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