I'm curious - do the SF readers here also read many non-SF novels or stories?
For my non-SF fiction it pick up the occasional historical fiction (fictionalized accounts of actual events) and classics (like "Moby Dick" Steinbeck novels etc...) but never anything like crime or mystery novels (well once or twice I have).
Yet I'm reading the anthology "Alien Crimes" edited by Mike Resnick (
http://www.amazon.com/Alien-Crimes-Mike-Resnick/dp/1582882231/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-3177457-0776141?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1183726883&sr=1-1) it is a sort of follow up to the "Down these Dark Spaceways" anthology (
And I loved the Dark Spaceways stories and so far the stories in "Alien Crimes" have been outstanding. I find I love the mix of crime/mystery and SF genre. Maybe I should give straight crime/mystery novels more time in my fiction reading - I know I like the old hard bitten detective movies like "Big Sleep" etc...