...so far we've learned Brandon Routh did not want to play Superman. Christian Bale did not want to play Batman. Jessica Beil MAY BE in as WonderWoman. Warners wanted Tom Welling (Smallville) for Superman. Why not? People know him in the role and his 30 years old -three years older than Routh. But negotiation seem to have stalled. Routh was seen at WB studios recently. Maybe he's reconsidered now that Superman: The Man of Steel may be pushed back a year for Justice League. Several known actors have expressed a desire to play Batman...
Now, the new stuff. Plot details.
-- The characters of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Martian Manhunter comprise the League. One name that I did not hear mentioned was that of Aquaman. Where’d the fish guy go? Good question.
-- Story elements from the screenplay have been adapted directly from DC’s JLA comic book series.
-- The man wearing the Green Lantern ring in the JLA film is John Stewart and not Hal Jordan (Earth’s first Green Lantern) or Kyle Rayner (who followed after Stewart’s run in the comic book continuity.) It should be noted that in the Justice League cartoon series John Stewart is the same character serving as Earth’s Green Lantern.
-- The Flash is the youngest member of the JLA. He has a crush on Wonder Woman.
-- Wonder Woman is portrayed as the member that acts as defacto humanitarian and face for the League. Our source told us that the best way to describe how she is written in the script is to “think of Angelina Jolie and her relations with foreign countries.”
-- Unbeknownst to the League Batman has a piece of technology that he developed called the “Redeye”, a cool piece of hardware that he can use to spy unbeknownst on the other League members. Want to know what the secret identity of Superman is? Not a problem. Want to find out what can cripple or kill each League member, their Achilles heel? It’s a snap with the Redeye. Batman files away the knowledge in case the day might ever come when he will need to use it to take down a member of the JLA that goes rogue or becomes a villain.
-- The Redeye is a fulcrum to the events that transpire in the movie. A villain—and I’m not at liberty to say which specific one or ones—will gain control of the Redeye. Instead of serving as a means of protecting the planet’s populace from the threat of a superhuman out of control, this creation of Batman’s will come back to haunt him, threaten the lives of the League and the safety of everyone on the entire planet.
-- During the course of the movie the day that Batman feared would come happens: a member of the League will, and we directly quote our source here, “go bad.”
It should also be said at this point that there is at least one major twist in the story that I’m not going to blow because I deem it an Empire spoiler. For those out there that don’t get my reference, imagine it’s 1979, the internet exists and you’re reading rumors about the new Star Wars sequel called The Empire Strikes Back. There’s some new guy called Lando, there’s a big battle on a snow planet, Luke meets up with another Jedi and Darth Vader says something to Luke near the end of the picture. Sure, those are all spoilers but if I came out and said what Vader told Luke? That’s an “Empire”.