Well, we now know
Wynona Ryder has been cast as Spock's mother. A rumor confirmed this week is
Jennifer Morrison (From FOX TV's "House") has also been cast... as who? J.J. Abrams denies she's playing Janice Rand, yeoman to Captain James T. Kirk. That would be an interesting character to explore, though. She wasn't a major character in the original Trek but several episodes suggested a little hanky panky between her and the Captain. More interestingly, in Peter David's novel
The Captain's Daughter, Rand tells Captain Sulu that she left Starfleet for a period of time to raise a daughter, Annie. The child's father was a "Starfleet officer on the fast track to greatness" who never knew about the child.(1)
More likely, though, Morrison will play Dr. Carol Marcus, the mother of Kirk's son, Dr David Marcus as seen in
The Wrath of Khan. Of course, both the possible characters were blonde which may explain why Morrison suddenly went blonde on "House."

*** IESB.NET has the rumored plot... SPOILER ALERT ***
One of the most critically acclaimed episodes from TOS aired back on April 6, 1967, it was the 28th and penultimate episode of the first season of Trek.
The episode’s name is The City on the Edge of Forever. You guys know this one, the episode where Joan Collins guest starred as Edith Keeler and the crew of the Enterprise discovers a portal through space and time. Bones (Dr. McCoy) eventually ends up messing up history and it’s up to Kirk and Spock to set things straight...
... So what does this 40 year old episode have to do with JJ Abrams’ Trek film? Again, in case you didn’t hear me the last time SPOILERS AHEAD!
Romulans from the future, most likely TNG time frame lead by a Romulan named Nero, played by Eric Bana, finds the City on the Edge of Forever and uses the Guardian of Forever to go back in time and kill the person who has been the biggest thorn in the Romulan’s side and is crucial to the success of the Federation and Starfleet, James T. Kirk.
Mr. Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy in the original timeline, becomes aware of Nero’s plan (not clear on the details of how he knows) and also goes back in time to protect his best friend, James Kirk. This is where the Old Spock (Nimoy) and Young Spock (Quinto) meet.
Old Spock warns young Spock about Nero’s plans and it’s up to them to protect the future Captain Kirk and also help try to protect the timeline and the future of the Federation and Starfleet.
This happens before Kirk and Spock form their life long friendship and bond. We have been told that there is a very cool scene where Old Spock tells the Young Spock about his friendship with Kirk, so while this may sound “illogical” (pun intended) it’s been described as very emotional.
Hmm…does Old Spock die in this film? I honestly don’t know but I am finally getting excited about this film (despite the casting mishaps).
Ok, so when do we see Kirk for the very first time? The first time the audience is introduced to James T. Kirk is while he is taking a certain test that Starfleet cadets are required to take, the Kobayashi Maru.
http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3696&Itemid=99Like the author above, I am finally getting a little bit excited about the movie. I think it has potential. The thought of another time travel movies made me groan at first but now that it MAY be tied in with "The City On The Edge of Forever," that makes it a bit more tolerable.
The plot (if indeed this is the plot) still feels a little recycled, though. Think ST: First Contact.