That's what I wrote on my LJ, anyway.
Then I wrote this:
"So I just got done watching the extended version of Battlestar Galactica: Razor with commentary and I still like it a lot. I like it even more the second time through and I am now tearing my hair out because March is so very, very far away and I want more BSG NOW! Anyway, Razor. They did a good job of adding extra little bits that didn't really need to be in the film for you to understand and like it, but do add some layers to what's going on.
The only exception is the bit of backstory with Cain when she was a kid during the first Cylon war. I think that was necessary. Like
Barbara said in an email, in the televised version it comes off kind of like "lady was crazy because she didn't have love to ground her," whereas with that backstory, I think it changes to "lady was crazy because she went through some frakked up shit and has a huge load of guilt, but still works very, very hard to convince herself that she was right, even if that means repeating her mistakes or making even bigger ones to "prove" it." I love it.
The second time through, it really struck me what a great job Stephanie Jacobsen did. If she hadn't completely rocked her role, the entire thing would have collapsed. She had a tough job, coming in as some random, very prickly character in the middle of a well-established show full of many beloved characters, but I think she did a great job of being sympathetic and even likable, while being an uncompromising hardass at the same time. She was such a big presence, there were a couple of times where I was shocked seeing her in a shot with another character that really showed how petite she is. Go shorties!
Also, she was hot. I would gladly have paid double the price for the DVD if there had been an extended scene with Kendra/Starbuck makeouts.
Oh yeah, and I just realized where I'd seen her before. She was my very favorite of Scorpius's bondage-goth nurses on Farscape! See:
So in conclusion:
1) I liked the movie a lot.
B) I'm going to have to go back and watch the bits with the Cylon hybrid again, cuz supposedly that's got a bunch of clues about next season.
3) Not enough Roslin. NEEDZ MOAR LAURA!"
On the whole, the movie was very satisfying.