preferring machine over man! :wow:)
Tasha2 ends up existing due to the wormhole that brought the 1701-C to Picard's time. Tasha2 decides to go back in time with the 1701-C, thus creating a paradox. As the 1701-C returned at the precise moment it left (how convenient), Tasha2 should have promptly vanished in a puff of logic - instead of the sap story that a Romulan captured her and convinced her to marry him (do Romulans have bigger whatsits than Cmdr Data? :shrug: ) and make little babies, one of which oddly enough became Romulan Commander Sela (not to be confused with the Sela mattress company or actress Sela Ward, BTW)?
Of course, let's say that trek excuse #50198548743.2 allows Tasha2 to live in the altered timeline. Wouldn't this mean that, upon Tasha1's birth, that Tasha would exist twice over, causing temporal annihilation?
Or, worst case scenario, this is cloning gone wild!
The rift was temporal in orientation, of course. It's just as likely that the ship entered a domain outside of temporal causality and was just lucky enough to *pop* back in 22 years later, instead of 23 at which point the Feds would be mere Klingon fodder.