Please navigate to and poke around. Please send the link to any friends you think might be interested. Feedback can be left here, emailed to me at or, best of all, directed to">this entry at LiveJournal.
Basically, I am taking an extract of my notes for a science fiction novel I'm working on and putting them on the web as encyclopedia entries. The idea is to spark interest in my novel and (hopefully) help get it sold when it is written. Right now I have only a few articles and nothing is written except the ledes, but I plan to expand everything over the next year.
The feedback I am looking for right now is on the style and presentation. I have verified that the style works with Firefox 3.0.3 and with IE 8 in both compatability mode and... what, incompatability mode? I have attempted to validate it, but despite setting xhtmlConformance in web.config to Strict, the ASPX compiler is adding some invalid elements (I'll work on that.) I have tried to style the page to be accessable, but I'm not sure how to test that properly. Suggestions on color and font would be appreciated.