There was a time when certain networks exclusively aired 'classic' television shows and movies. Those days seem to be slowly coming to an end as channel after channel begins to air 'new' programing. Such is the case with TV Land, which began as a network that showed only reruns of popular oldies, and now AMC (American Movie Classics) has jumped on board with their series "Mad Men".
"Mad Men" has proved to be a huge success for AMC, which is now looking to continue the series popularity with a slate of new programing. One of the network's biggest draws is it's yearly Halloween movie festival called "Monster Fest", which recently became "Fear Fest", that is undoubtedly the inspiration for the network developing it's own horror series.
"The Walking Dead" follows a group of survivors after an apocalyptic event turns people into zombies. The group is led by a police officer, Rick Grimes, who tries relentlessly to find a safe place to live.