x-posted from GLBT forum...
Alleged Science Fiction writer and outright homophobe John C. Wright (but more on him anon) put up a very nasty blog post about SyFy’s commitment to more diversity in future programming, tearing into homosexuals.
When he got some similarly nasty comments, in a snit he deleted them and added even more homophobic bullshit to the post. As the heat got turned up more, and people threatened boycotts of his stuff (which is not a great sacrifice having looked at some of his stuff at Amazon), he took the post down. Now he’s trying to hide and act like it never happened.
Uh, Johnny? The internet doesn’t work that way.
For those who missed it, the full, comment-locked, anti-gay screed has been preserved at
http://cnx.com/johncwrightisahomophobicdick.htmlI am hoping, of course, that future shows will also portray sadomasochism and bondage in a positive light — we are all looking forward to FLASH GORDON’S TRIP TO GOR, I hope. Love affairs with corpses, small children, and farm animals will also be on display in a natural nonchalant fashion in the new raft of progressive shows, titles such as I DREAM OF STINKY, PEDERASTY JUNCTION, and OLD MACDONALD HAD A SHEEP — but no Mormons, whose moral standing we all abhor. The only good thing about Mormons, as we all know, is their polygamy. That we can approve of. Anything that offends the Patriarchy, we like. Evil is our good.
Why are you willing to tolerate sexual perversion but not racism? In a world with no standards, what makes a malfunction of love higher on your standard than a malfunction of hate? Is an irrational lust and longing to mimic the mating act with a sex with which one cannot mate, at its root, any more or less disconnected to reality than an irrational fear and hatred of a Negro? How do we know race-hate is not genetic? Look at how scorned and put-upon racists are! Can we spare them no cheap Leftist pity? Why don’t we simply call racism an alternate anti-ethnic orientation, similar to hetero-toleration, but different?
In other news, Timothy Leary will be giving Sci-Fi an “F” grade for failing to portray drug abuse positively. Castro and Pol Pot will be giving Sci-Fi an “F” grade for their show BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, which portrays the mass slaughter of innocent human beings in a negative light. Dean Martin will be giving Sci-Fi an “F” for failing to portray drunkenness as life-affirming. Don Juan will be giving Sci-Fi an “F” grade for failing to have a show that portrays serial adultery in a positive light — but Don gives BATTLESTAR GALACTICA an “A” for sleeping with robots. Uncle Screwtape reminds me the any form of sex that is sterile and selfish wins the approval of the Lowerarchy.
Which reminds me. Why are so many in SCi-Fi (fans as well as creators) so adherent to homophobia? When ever I wondered why in the Star Trek Universe there is no such phenomena as gay people, some ST fans make a disgusting comment like "Homosexuality has been cured in the 23rd Century". Roddenberry himself admitted his homophobia was longstanding and pledged to make it right with TNG, but he up and died, handing the reigns to Rick Berman, who allegedly said "No gays on Star Trek, EVER!" Then there's Orson Scott Card(Need I say more?), and I've always wondered about what Heinlein thinks of gays too.
Credit Pab Sungenis for the original post.