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Blogger theory: Disney-Marvel could buy Superman

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wyldwolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-02-09 03:16 PM
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Blogger theory: Disney-Marvel could buy Superman
DC Comics and Warner Bros. have been in a decade-long legal dispute with the heirs of Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Recently WB lost the rights to use Superman’s origin story in any films or shows, and a judge has already ruled that in 2013, the rights to the character revert entirely back to the estates of Siegel and Shuster.

This will essentially make Superman a “free agent,” not tied to any comic book company or comic book universe...

... Disney is a pro at making smart buys and developing them into massive success stories (ABC’s Lost and Pixar, for example) - Do you really think the House of the Mouse hasn’t already had Marvel under a microscope, watching what’s worked, what’s been wasted, and what would best maximize their profitability? Do you really think a man as wily as Disney C.E.O. Roger Iger wouldn’t be looking at all the ways (read: angles) that could catapult Marvel into a higher stratosphere of success than it has ever reached?

Let’s just assume that Disney has been doing just that for a moment. What better coup d’état could there be than snagging Superman at what could, conceivably, be the one time in our lifetimes when Big Blue is free to play for another team? And if Disney/Marvel could pull off the deal, how could any other superhero venture even HOPE to rival them?

Remember that the Disney suits aren’t fanboys (most of them at least) and don’t have the same kind of reverence for continuity and comic book mythology and all that great stuff. They don’t care that Superman and Batman are pals; they don’t care if we ever find out what was up with Lois Lane’s son in Superman Returns; and they don’t care if Lex Luthor is going to ever return on Smallville. These guys see opportunity for growth and profit and staying ahead of the competition. They also know (if they’re smart) that they just got a whole bunch of creative comic book guys on payroll who have either worked with Superman before, or have been itching to try him out and (gasp!) maybe even make the character relevant again for the masses.

And would Superman getting a fresh start in a new camp really be such a tragedy? Sure, like any custody battle the transitional period would be a little strange, a little awkward (how DO you write Superman out of the DC Universe and into the Marvel one?)

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Dr. Strange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-02-09 04:05 PM
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1. Interesting.
how DO you write Superman out of the DC Universe and into the Marvel one?

Let Axel Asher handle it:">All Access.
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Broken_Hero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-03-09 04:29 PM
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2. It would be easy....
he would basically just be a super powered Captain America...they can bring him in doing some cosmic alternate dimension gizmo ray, and bam...Superman arrives, and when he does so does trace elements of K....

He would probably try to head the avengers, but probably fail, and try to take over a city for protection, since NY has a ton of heroes in Marvel's universe, he would probably go to Chicago or something.
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