I've been thinking a lot about this dialog from Deep Space Nine the past couple days;
Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I think that the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying; and I think it deserves to die.
Lieutenant Ezri Dax: I tend to look at the Empire with a little more skepticism than Curzon and Jadzia did. I see a society that is in deep denial about itself. We're talking about a warrior culture that prides itself on maintaining centuries-old traditions of honor and integrity. But in reality, it's willing to accept corruption at the highest levels.
Lt. Commander Worf: You are overstating your case.
Lieutenant Ezri Dax: Am I? Who was the last leader of the High Council that you respected? Has there even been one? And how many times have you had to cover up the crimes of Klingon leaders because you were told that it was for the good of the Empire? I... I know this sounds harsh, but the truth is, you have been willing to accept a government that you know is corrupt. Gowron's just the latest example. Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man that I've ever met. And if *you* are willing to tolerate men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the Empire?
I'm thinking that if you were to substitute the United States for the Klingon Empire this would all be just as valid.