Harrison Ford FINALLY speaks out about Star Wars
Think about it—except for maybe a DVD bonus feature, when have you ever heard Harrison Ford publicly speak about Star Wars? It took 30-some years, but the right cause finally came along to break Ford's silence.
For the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, Ford participated in a charity event for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. As part of George Lucas's "The Empire Gives Back" initiative, Ford attended a Hollywood screening of Empire and spoke about the franchise for 30 minutes following the screening.
Here are 10 juicy tidbits Ford revealed for donors who paid $100-$175 for tickets to the special screening. The night raised $40,000 for St. Jude's, and the hospital even introduced an 11-year-old guest whose life was saved by such donations. If you'd like to donate to St. Jude's, visit www.stjude.org.
30 years and he still doesn't get it
Ford was happy to donate his time to raise money for St. Jude's. However, the phenomenon of Star Wars that would lead people to pay hundreds of dollars to hear him speak, that's still a mystery to him. "I don't know that I understood it very well. I'm not sure I understand it yet, but I think the invention of it is obvious. Albeit 30 years old, the originality of it was very striking for the time. I think the mythology of it is what makes it work as much as anything else, and I think George tapped into some psychic vein which made the whole thing work. That plus John Williams' incredible music, it's the glue of the piece, I think. What I noticed tonight as much as anything else is the contribution that sound made. The THX system that George innovated was remarkable at that time and really went a long way to creating that kind of energy that the film has."