"Son, what is this I found in a box in your closet?"
"Hey, those are mine! Why were you snooping in my closet????"
"The basement flooded and we were moving out all the soaked stuff. Now, can you explain this to me? 'When Cheerleaders Go Bad'?"
"It's not mine! I'm holding it for a friend!"
"'Naughty Nurses'? Which friend of yours like nurses?"
"Um, Tommy."
"And 'Heather has Two Sugar Daddies'?"
"How about 'Fistings of Fury'?"
"'The Adventures of Trixie Belt-On, the little blonde girl with the enormous strap-on'?"
"Yeah, they're all Tommy's!"
"And can you explain.... THIS?"
"'Shaft Master'?"
"Dad, I can explain..."
"'Plot summary: after Orion pirates...'"
"Dad, no, don't read it out loud!"
"'...board the Enterprise™ in search of wanted super-criminal, Captain Kirk and his crew...'"
"Dad... please..."
"'...must fight for control of his ship through the Jeffries Tubes!"
"Stop! Please, just stop!"
"Fan fiction? You're writing FAN FICTION?"
"I didn't mean to! It just sorta..."
"Sorta what?"
"Happened! It just sort of happened!"
"Son, take your porn and go back to your room. Vacuum up that water. I'm taking this... trash... and your mother and I are going to have a serious talk about this."
"And son-"
"If you have any more fan fiction, I'd advise you to get rid of it, pronto."
"Yes, Dad."