The new web site; carnycon has opened up. I found a good interview with DK.>
Dan: And it’s a tough story, and it can be confusing. But I think sometimes people make it more confusing for themselves than it needs to be. Sometimes things are stated in a very clear way. I mean like, there’s been a big question, “Who’s the Tattooed Man?” And “Who’s the Usher?” And in the very first episode of the first season, who do we see in that cornfield that we recognize, with a tattoo on him?
Beth: The Tattooed Man?
Dan: Yeah, but we also see one of our characters, and people have even done screencaps and discussed this.
Beth: Well, I saw Justin.
Dan: Right, they’ve seen Justin!
Beth: Yeah, I saw Justin, but then I’d recognize Clancy’s profile from a hundred paces! (laughing)
Dan: Yeah! (chuckling) We didn’t do that just to mess with people! We did that, although we do it quickly and with flashes, to sort of start a clue going. And then later, we see that same creature raping Apollonia.
Beth: Right.
Dan: And in that scene, who do we see?
Beth: We see him turn into Brother Justin.
Dan: Yeah, we see that! It’s been posted. People have talked about it. But again, it’s done in flashes, and it’s done almost to an abstraction. But it’s there and people have commented on it. But now they’re wondering, how can one person be another thing? And again, we find out in season two that this Tattooed Man is really a spiritual representation. In different dreams and visions, he’s a spiritual representation of a creature whose appearance has been foretold since antiquity – who’s the harbinger of the Apocalypse. I mean, two people say that in the first episode of the second season – Management and Talbot-Smith. As a matter of fact, Talbot-Smith is sitting there, and he’s going “You will know the Usher by his words, ‘Thou shalt be strong,’” just as Brother Justin on the radio says, “Thou shalt be strong.”
Beth: So you know, there he is!
Dan: By then, it’s like, “Oh, okay.” But by episode two, we practically hang a lantern on it when we do this huge big dramatic reveal of Brother Justin with the tattoos. (chuckles) There he is.
Beth: There he is, he’s the Usher now.
Dan: And he’s becoming this thing. And then Management goes on to say, “Oh, my God! HE IS FLESH! He’s here. The Usher is here.” This isn’t just the normal Avatar. This is the Usher!
Beth: This is worse than an Avatar.
Dan: This is like… ALL Avatars are powerful. All Avatars have meaning. But this one is kind of like an uber-Avatar for the Dark Side. And that’s all very clearly… kind of laid out pretty big. I think the fun of the show is thinking maybe some of the things aren’t answered, and we get to guess. And there’s a lot of white space for us to play in. And yeah, of course, that’s part of the design. But when we practically hang a bell on it and say, “Okay guys, we’re answering this one for you, because you’ve been asking since last season.” Wondering, and wondering, and wondering… And when we wrote it, we wrote it as, “Oh, my God! They’re gonna be… THIS one really, really lays it out for them. This is where we answer that question.” But then afterwards you’re reading, “Wait a minute, then who’s the Usher?” You go, “Wait a minute… Maybe we’re…” And maybe it’s a fault of the writing. I don’t know. But sometimes I think, what it boils down to, it’s hard to see things when your nose is pressed up against it.
Beth: Well, I think that the question people have with the Appy rape is, how could Brother Justin have been there to do it? And there are questions about whether it’s symbolic for something that’s coming in the future for Sofie? And is Appy trying to show Sofie, “This is going to be YOUR fate, baby,” do you know what I mean? I think that’s the part, right there, that we’re getting hung up on.
Dan: And it could very easily be both. I think it could very easily be both. It could be a vision of things that are not only the past, but again, a harbinger of things that could happen in the future.
Beth: Right.
Dan: So yeah, I look at it as… How can Brother Justin be there? We’ll, we’re showing him there. So, he’s there.
Beth: So, you’ve seen it.
Dan: Look, How’d he…? He took a street car. (chuckling)
Beth: (laughing)
Dan: Those questions are answered more explicitly later in the season. (chuckling) But like I said in our last interview – sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.