...not that I'm complaining, but it's all speculation. Nothing has really been answered.
Why did the plane crash.: As you said...we don't know. At first it was just a plane crash. Then there was speculation that something else was involved. Then we find out about the numbers and Hurley and them also drawing the french woman, and them being on the hatch. No answers. Just more questions. Why did the plane crash becomes...Were the numbers involved? What are the numbers? What is the hatch and why are the numbers on it?
Who broadcast the numbers from the radio tower. "Probably the person or entity drawing everyone to the island." - First we didn't know there was a tower. Then we find out there is a transmission from the french woman, then we find out that she changed the transmission from an older one broadcasting the numbers.
what is the black rock. "Dunno yet." yeah it's mentioned, then not mentioned for weeks, then mentioned again. Nobody seems to care.
what disease got to the boat wreck surviviors. Why wasn't the french woman affected. : I think she went insane and killed them all. - Again more speculation. We have absolutely no idea. First there was no french woman. Then there was a broadcast, then she was there, then she tells stories, thens he's gone, then she's back, and so on. What the hell is going on? No answers only more questions. Was there a disesase? Are there more still alive?
Who is ethan? "Representative of the "others" on the island." Really? How do we know this? What others? Where? Why do they want Claire's baby?
Is he alive? "Charlie shot him dead, and he was buried, so likely not." They treated him as dead for a week, then made a comment about him and the others. If he's really dead...
Are their others? "Presumably. The crazy Frenchwoman alluded to others." - Or did she kill them all? What are the whispers? Are the others ghosts? What about Ethan? Are they related to the french woman in any way? And so on.
What is the monster? "I like Charlie's "angry giraffe" idea." That was good but seriously. What is it? Why does something come around that tears trees out of the ground and the people continue to sunbathe on the beach and play golf afterwards?
Where do the polar bears come from? "The Arctic. :P" Actually I like the whole thing with the kid having powers and he read the comic book with polar bears in it and they appeared...but that raise questions. What are these powers? Where do they come from? Are they significant to them being on the island?
Why is Locke no longer paralyzed? "Because, as he says, everyone gets a new life on the island. We don't know why he was paralysed to begin with." Yeah but what does that mean? New life on the island. Hokum. Was it a mental paralysis? Was his spine knocked into alignemnt? is the island a supernatural place? We don't know.
Why are their visible ghosts on the island? "You mean the Doc's dad? We found out two weeks ago that he's actually alive, and Sawyer met him in Australia." No Jack was bringing the body back. Sawyer met his dad before he died. Or did he? If so what was in the coffin Jack brought back. Even more questions.
What's with the hatch they found? "It's an integral part of the mystery, we saw that since the numbers are printed on it." Is it? More integral than the voices, the others, the black rock or equal? If it's integral why do they keep forgeting about it, or are they taking their time to dig it up. They found it everyone watchign said "What the fuck" and since then they'v ementioned or showed it twice.
What's special about claires baby? "It's a month overdue? :D" I was gonna say that she looks great for being 9 months pregnant. Bet if she has the baby she looks amazing in a bikini within weeks. Or will tha tbe a new mystery? Why doesn't claire have hemeroids after giving birth?