If you could see the spreadsheet of stats I have, you'd know better. :evilgrin:
The total average age of all Survivors is 34. Virtually every season, the average age has been 34 or 35. No season has been more than 2 years off that average.
Here's the whole list, by age:
Rudy 76 Rudy 72 BB 64 Sonja 63 Jake 61 Scout 59 Kim J 57 Paschal 57 Roger 56 Jan 53 Rodger 53 Lillian 51 Maralyn 51 Butch 50 Kathy 50 Patricia 49 Tom 48 Helen 47 Janet 47 Kathy 47 Carl 46 Clay 46 Tom 46 Debb 45 Peter 45 Linda 44 Lisa 44 Frank 43 Diane 42 Richard 42 Susan 42 Teresa 42 Tina 42 Trish 42 Jeanne 41 Twila 41 Andrew 40 John 40 Keith 40 Lea 40 Lex 40 Rupert 40 Tina 40 Richard 39 Rupert 39 Gretchen38 Lex 38 Michael 38 Robert 38 Susan 38 Ted 37 John 36 Vecepia 36 Alicia 35 Chad 35 Deena 35 Leann 35 Rory 35 Zoe 35 Brian 34 Jeff 34 Brady 33 Chris 33 Ghandia 33 Hunter 33 Jerri 33 Matt 33 Travis 33 Alex 32 Alicia 32 Kel 32 Ami 31 Burton 31 JoAnna 31 John P 31 Ryan 31 Ethan 30 Gervase 30 Jerri 30 Ken 30 Mia 30 Sean 30 Sean 30 Shii Ann30 Colby 29 Jon 29 Kim P 29 Sandra 29 Shawn 29 Stacey 29 Stephanie 29 Tammy 29 Gina 28 Joel 28 Kimmi 28 Rob 28 Shii Ann 28 Brook 27 Daniel 27 Ethan 27 Jessie 27 Lindsey 27 Osten 27 Penny 27 Ramona 27 Tanya 27 Tijuana 27 Colby 26 Erin 26 Jenna 26 Rob 26 Robb 26 Amber 25 Brandon 25 Dolly 25 Jed 25 Rob 25 Christa 24 Christy 24 Clarence 24 Dave 24 Greg 24 Heidi 24 Nicole 24 Rob 24 Sarah 24 Colleen 23 Dirk 23 Elisabeth 23 Gabriel 23 Julie 23 Kelly 23 Mitchell 23 Nick 23 Ryan 23 Ryan 23 Shawna 23 Silas 23 Amber 22 Darrah 22 Jenna 22 Jenna 22 John K 22 Kelly 22 Michelle 22 Eliza 21 Jenna 21 Neleh 21
yeah, Christi voted for Jenna. It was him or "cweepy" Matt. That's the point. I'm not saying Jenna was completely undeserving, but I have trouble respecting someone who was only in the game because she was so sick and ready to quit nobody thought of her as a threat.
I'm also permanently soured on her for quitting All Stars.
I think women win more because men are viewed as threats, and thus booted. Also, individual challenges tend to be ones that are either neutral or benefit women - for instance, Brian is the only man to win an endurance challenge. I don't count Keith's win in Australia because Tina let him win.
If the endurance challenge wasn't standing, but instead holding up a hundred pound weight, do you still think women would win most F3 challenges?
I'm not saying that every other winner wasn't worthy because I think Brian is tied with Rich as the best. It's just a way of ranking them.
I rank them:
Rich/Brian Sandra Vecepia Ethan Amber Jenna Tina
For a variety of reasons. Some of them irrational, probably. :D But I also count what the person did during the entire course of the season.
Tina never won anything, and just rode Colby's coat tails. Along the way, she treated Keith like crap, treated Kel like crap, and made several critical mistakes that could and should have cost her the game (booting Jerri before Rodger and Elisabeth, for example. Had Amber been the player she thinks she is, she'd have jumped over to Kucha and gotten herself an F3 slot, quite possibly.)
Jenna just floated along. She gave away huge amounts of information that should have cost her dearly, had Rocketman Dave had any sense at all. She even tried to get herself voted off. Cesternino outthought himself, thus putting her in a position to win. Her season also featured some bizarre challenges seemingly designed to see a woman win.
Amber rode RobM's coattails. Mariano should have won that season; he played much harder, won more challenges, did virtually all the heavy lifting. He only lost because the "all stars" like Lex and Kathy were so stupid they actually forgot they were playing a game, and took things personally.
Ethan only won because KimJ liked him more than she liked Lex. That's all. He was a challenge "threat" of a professional athlete who only won 2 challenges, he did very little scheming, he even admitted later his role was to be #2 to Lex and hope it worked out.
Vecepia and Sandra took active roles in winning their seasons. Vee started the whole alliance hopping that Cesternino is credited with inventing. Sandra then took it a whole new level on her season.
One of Vee's tricks I love is that she used her luxury item (a journal) to keep notes on everybody in her tribe. That's why she cleaned up on the Fallen Comrades challenge.
Sandra is behind Vee because she didn't really have control of her fate at the end. It was all on Lillian Morris, who at that point was probably insane and just hated Fairplay. No way he was getting to the F2 without winning it, unless Sandra won. She'd have likely taken him. I dunno.
The reasoning for Brian and Rich are fairly evident, I hope. :D