who is NYPD retired on an honest-to God job related disability, likes 'The Wire' and sent me a tape of several episodes of it. I could not make heads or tails of it, at all. And I actually lived in B-more for 5 years.
Chiklis is astonishing, IMO. It's hard to imagine he is the same actor who did the 'Commish' years ago! The first episode alone proved that. If you told me five years ago that I would some day consider Chiklis to be 'hot', I would have advised you to get a script of thorazine! And now with the addition of Glenn Close, who seems like a cop's cop, as opposed to Acevedo, I think that the season has great potential. It's mind boggling to imagine a show with a male Captain getting raped, a cop taking money from drug dealers yet caring enough to arrange a real funeral for a prostitute turned informant and winding his way thru the tragedy of 2 autistic children.
The pilot of 'The Shield' was directed by Clark Johnson, who was my fav my character in another excellent cop show set in B-more, 'Homicide, Life on the Streets." (He played Det. Meldrick.)
Awhile ago, I bought season one & two on DVD. I wasn't working at the time so I watched them straight through. I'm eager to buy Season 3.
Thanks for responding! I was starting to worry that there was something wrong with me for liking this show so much..