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HBO Survey....Kick it For Carnivale'...Please.

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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-01-05 09:58 PM
Original message
HBO Survey....Kick it For Carnivale'...Please.
Edited on Fri Apr-01-05 10:18 PM by liberalnurse
I think they are deciding

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Dear HBO® Subscriber,

As a valued HBO subscriber, we are interested in your opinions
regarding our original series. Therefore, we would like you to answer
a brief online survey, which will only take about five minutes to

To begin the survey, just click on the link below. If the link is not
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We pride ourselves on the quality of our original programming and
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HBO Surveys

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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 11:38 AM
Response to Original message
1. Hello...anyone out there?
HBO/Carnivale' needs our feedback....Lets do what we do best and share out opinion.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 01:22 PM
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2. done
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-03-05 09:54 AM
Response to Original message
3. Hey folks.....
we can do much better than two members taking the essential survey....

:kick: :loveya:
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OKNancy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-03-05 10:45 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Hi
I did it yesterday. I put on the question of what I didn't like: too short, need more episodes!
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-03-05 12:47 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Excellent.....
a positive negative!!!!!! I did the same.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-04-05 08:05 AM
Response to Original message
6. Done
I understand the ratings were solid for the season, better than the first season and better than Wired's first season, which got picked up for a second season last year. I don;t know the production costs, but period pieces are expensive. Hopefully the show will get some support for another year from the money people. Thats what it is all about.
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-04-05 09:51 AM
Response to Original message
7. Done and forwarded! n/t
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drdon326 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-04-05 07:44 PM
Response to Original message
8. Done...and glad to do it
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-05-05 06:42 PM
Response to Original message
9. I love you all......
O8) :bounce: :hi: :loveya: :grouphug:

Now don't forget to share the link...the more the better.....
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CBGLuthier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-21-05 12:33 PM
Response to Original message
10. Did it.
I gave it a four or next to best on the rating so I wouldn't seem like just a fan boy type.

Oherwise, let them know how much I enjoyed both seasons, even with the change in pacing this season which seemed OK to me.
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lavenderdiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-21-05 01:10 PM
Response to Original message
11. maybe they haven't had time to decide yet, but has anyone
heard anything about the return of Carnivale? I am soo hoping they will bring it back! By the way, I did the survey at HBO on your advice, just to get my two cents in.
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-22-05 08:36 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. HBO has been silent. Daniel Knauf
was in the ChowTent Sunday.....said no news. Oh, by the way, he sold 100% of the Carnivale' rights to HBO. Thant means no book or anything if HBO does not facilitate the product. HBO can sell it but Daniel has not a smiggin of custody. It could just die.

Here is the answers to questions from the chat:
( organized for an easy read by a participant in the chat...not me)

Sofie is the Omega, an Avataric Prophet. DK said that it stands to
reason that The Alpha, the first Antediluvian Prophet was also
female. Sofie is the Omega, just males in between.

His favorite episodes were 1.08 and 2.08

As far as plot lines go, he liked the stuff between Libby and Jonesy.

HBO has had no contact with him since Carnivale wrapped. He can't
afford to sit by the phone, tapping his fingers. He has a family to

It was Sofie's Inner Self in the shed telling her that it was her

The significance of bird names (Crowe, Hawkins): "Birds are, to me,
the creatures that have lowest flesh-to-soul ratio. They are barely

What happened in St. Louis: Lodz attempted to betray Management by
approaching Scudder directly and "cutting a side deal" so to speak.
A big no-no which cost Lodz his position as Management's #2.

DK has never read Merrill nor the Gnostic Gospels-- unless the Gospel
of Thomas counts.

Scudder was the COD of his generation. He attempted to defy his
destiny. He went into hiding because he feared Belykov would kill
him and/or those he loved.

Sofie's intent in shooting Jonesy was to stop him from taking her
back to the Carnival. She has a job to do.

Kerrigan was the chaplain of the Knights Templar Lodge. The only
church in Loving, NM was Catholic so it wasn't so strange that he was
there and painted the mural. It's a border town.

Question: If Management was chewed up by Lodz's bear, why did Belykov
make Lodz #2?
Answer: Belykov used Lodz because they had similar goals- To locate
Scudder. Lodz had a psychic bond with Scudder that allowed him to
track him. That was valuable to Belykov. And it's not as if Lodz
sicked the bear on Lucius or anything. The poor bastard was just

Sofie is almost two years older than Ben. But she is one
generation 'younger.' It's all about generations.

Here's an interesting exchange. Heh..
Question: What was Rita sue doing with the soda?
DK's Answer: You know what she was doing with that coke.
Question: We debated.
DK's Answer: You debated???? You're kidding me! I mean, what
else??? You think she was giving Samson a sip below frame? C'mon!

Question: Does Sofie have a counterpart like Ben & BJ- or is she out
of that loop? What house is she a prophet of?
Answer: That remains to be seen.

DK confirms that the 3 selves from the Gospel of Thomas played into
how Sofie's storyline proceeded this season.

The dagger broke because it didn't strike in the bough of the tree
tattoo, 'where the black heart beats." There was only one place
where Ben could strike a killing blow, and he missed it the first

If the show is renewed tomorrow, assuming that the process goes
smoothly, DK's estimation would be that Season Three would premier
next March, at the earliest.

The reason that Justin cut off Scudder's head was simply overkill.
His guess was that a scythe-stroke might just do it anyway. Plus, he
wanted Ben to find his father's head. For giggles. And because he's

Question: Did Henry Lincoln influence you very much. And, if so,
Answer: I've never heard of Henry Lincoln.

BJ does not know that Sofie is the Omega and all that that entails.

The nature of the Omega will take two seasons to unfold.

Question: How did Samson work his way up to be Lodz's replacement
with Management? Does he have any gifts that we haven't seen yet?
Answer: Samson is just a man. Loyal and pure of heart.

Question: Is there a 'sign' for the Vectori of Light like the black
eyes for those of Dark?
Answer: No, but if you can see auras, you'd find that the House Of
Light is very interesting.

Appy was keeping the creature Sofie saw in the shed at bay. In other
words, Appy was shielding Sofie from her own true self all of those

Question: What "chance" did Justin give Appy before he raped her?
And what was he doing in St. Paul?
Answer: Justin attended seminary in St. Paul. He became obsessed
with Appy. She immediately sensed his true nature, and spurned his
love. He stalked her. He raped her. He gave her 'the chance' to
play nice and romantic.

DK's Showtime gig is called "Where The Hart Is." He's going to shoot
a perfect dupe of a 50s/60s family sitcom. Black and white, cheesy
musical stings, goofy laff-track. Only all of the characters are
really dark and complex. Kind of like Ward and June Cleaver
in "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolfe," with a laff-track. They
haven't written the pilot yet. He's also writing a six book series
of "Invincible Iron Man" for Marvel with his son, Charlie.

Regarding working on a show called "Penopticon." He is collaborating
with Michael Miner (Robocop) on the project with Ridley and Tony
Scott's company. NBC has expressed more than a little interest.

Question: Do Ben and Sofie love each other?
Answer: Yes, more than life itself.

Question: Did Lodz come back in a more physical form and we just
don't know it yet?
Answer: You just haven't seen it yet.

Question: Is healing restricted to the House Of Light or are all
powers shared by both Houses?
Answer: The power is drawn from the same "pool," it's just channeled
differently. Imagine if Ben was an assassin. He kills someone, and
flowers grow. I mean, it's the same instrument. It just sounds
different depending on which end you're blowing.

Question: Are avatars generally obsessed with Vectori?
Answer: Most Avatars are obsessed with themselves. In both houses.

DK doubts that HBO would sell Carnivale to Showtime. Or anybody else.

Question: Is there any greater significance to the Geddes character?
He appears to be on the side of COD. Any more you can give us? Will
we see him again?
Answer: Geddes was a one-off. But I liked him, too. Maybe we'll see
him again. I saw him as, like, a troll under a bridge.

Scudder joined after the hostilities had begun in WWI.

Appy was catatonic because she gave birth to the Omega.

Question: If Appy knew who Ben was, wouldn't she know what he could
do to help with Sofie?
Answer: Appy had to focus all of her attention on maintaining the
wall in Sofie's mind, separating her from her true self. Cracks
began to appear when Ben showed up on the scene. Appy was in a state
of utter terror and desperation. Like the little Dutch boy with his
finger in the dike. It was all she could do to keep the dam from

Lod'z eyes are a condition of his body. Justin's are a condition of
his soul.

Question: If Scudder was a COD, why was he involved with the Knights
Templar. And why did Iris say that her father was an evil man?
Answer: Scudder was a member because he wanted access to their
knowledge and library. And all Iris knows about her father is what
her mother told her. And we all know that, as the birth-mother of an
avatar, Pleminia was BATSHI*!

Norman was Justin's one strand to humanity.
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lavenderdiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-22-05 11:56 AM
Response to Reply #12
14. WOW! That is just fantastic...
Thank you so much for compiling all that information... I only wish it could have been made clearer through the storylines while we were watching the actual series unfold. I feel that I missed so much now, and want to go back and watch again, knowing so much more...

I really, really, really hope they bring it back!
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-22-05 02:27 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. I have the Season One DVD
and tapes of all Season Two( I did it myself). A must have. Season Two is suppose to come out this summer on DVD.
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-22-05 09:25 AM
Response to Original message
13. Here is Daniel's message on the Yahoo/Carnivale Board
regarding HBO control.

"Daniel Knauf" <fboffo@...>
Subject: Re: Dan Knauf in the "Chow Tent" Chat
Room 4-17-05

--- In, "orch@m..."

Since this one's come up more than once, I'll
field it right now (but
no others--this is the last time I'll be online
until the chat tonight).


HBO owns Carnivale. Lock, stock and barrel.
They even own the
bullets! I created it, and I sold it to them.
The characters, the
setting, the whole ball of wax. In perpetuity.
In all mediums: film,
television, books--even mediums that haven't been
invented yet.
Everywhere in the universe. Known and unknown.

If they cancel, then the show is most likely
dead. Unless HBO wants
to sell it or allow it to air on a competing
network--which I doubt.

Regarding a movie that "wraps things up": if one
airs, I certainly
won't be part of it. There's a decade of story
left, 48 hours of
screen-time. Ratcheting it down to a condensed
version would be an
exercise in futility AND a slap in the face of
the fans. Moreover, it
would be the worst kind of sell-out in the world.

Believe me, it would be better to leave Carnivale
unfinished than
finished poorly.

As far as writing a series of books, see the
first paragraph. I can't
touch these characters without HBO's permission.

So, like it or not, there is no Plan-B.

HBO holds *all* the cards. So it's do-or-die
time, guys.


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