Rob and Amber finagled their way onto a flight to Miami that was just about to leave and thought they had the whole thing in the bag. Then -- Amazingly -- the airline let Uchenna and Joyce on the plane, too. Ron and Kelly took a wrong turn going into the airport, missed that flight and were pretty much out of it.
In Miami, they had to go under the Rickenbacker causeway and get their clue, which told them to find a cigar shop in Little Havana. Rob and Amber got this clue first, but had trouble finding the shop (the key was asking for the name in Spanish).
U/J got the clue first and heading to Ft. Lauderdale for the final pit stop. But, they didn't have enough money to pay for the $100 cab ride. Uchena was begging people out the taxi window. They got to the location (a garden, I think) and were still begging people for money to pay the cabbie as the editing kept cutting back to Rob and Amber closing in. A lot of people turned them down! Then, they finally got the cash, paid the driver and ran in.
All the eliminated teams were waiting for the winners, several openly hoping it would be U/J. U/J ran up to the final map to much applause. Uchena said something like, "In vitro here we come, and if that doesn't work, adoption here we come!"
Rob and Amber were second. He said something like, "I've got Amber so I'm already a winner." Ron and Kelly limped in later.