We are down to our last four survivors. Each has rubbed me the wrong way at some point this year, though the only one I truly do not think deserves to win is Jenn.
I thought I'd ask all the survivor fans here two questions. 1) Who do you think will win; 2) Who do you want to win?
For me I think Tom will win. He showed that he is thinking the right way when he suggested whoever win the reward take one of the girls to prevent a girl alliance. I believe he will win at least one of the immunities and will try to get rid of Ian and take one of the girls to the finals with him. I don't think Tom can win against Ian in the jury, but I think he will beat either of the girls. If he takes Jenn he will lose Greg's vote, so I bet he wins immunity and takes Katie. I can see Katie only getting Ian's vote or maybe none (though I am not sure about the wild card Caryn and how much drama Coby wants to display, which could play against Tom). Either way, I don't see Tom losing this thing unless he goes against Ian in the final. I hope Ian wins. I think he is a better player. Tom got lucky that the other tribe sucked as bad as they did. Had the merge been closer in terms of team strength, or had they lost a challenge or two, he would have been one of my picks to go. Ian though has made a few mistakes lately. He has let slip that his alliance with Tom is weaker than he shows, and he might slip up one too many times. I want him to win, but he has made a few mistakes and I think Tom will beat him.
I don't think Jenn or Katie have a chance with the Jury unless they are able to get rid of both guys. I think Katie would take Ian with her to the jury, and she would lose. I don't see Jenn winning an endurance immunity, but if she does she knows her only chance is to take Katie. I don;t think this is likely, but if it is Jenn v. Katie, I think Katie will win on Ian and Tom's votes, but it will be close.
It was a good season and I've had fun watching it.