Hey everyone. I know this is not TV news, but I figured I would give you all an update on my wife's pregancy. First off, Holy Shit. I can;t beleive all the stuff going on in there. We have had two sonograms so far, and it is pretty amazing. The little one was doing flips and seemed to be dancing during the last test.
My wife is now four months along. The baby books indicate the ears are forming this week and the fetus starts responding to sounds. I am going to start playing some tunes for the little one. I figure it is never to early to put on the White Album and maybe some Dylan. Got to teach the kid good music from the womb.
We find out the sex next month. I can't wait. Some people are upset that we are blowing the surprise, but we are going to find out. I need time to adjust to whether its a boy or a girl. I want to paint the room and build some furniture for the room. The designs on the changing table and the dresser will depend on the sex. I'm going to post the sex, but I'll post it in a SPOILER thread, so you won't have to read it if you don't want to.
We are in the midst of the great name debate. We have it narrowed down to a few for each sex, one of which works for either sex. Once we know the sex we will pick it out. For awhile I think I wanted a boy, since I am a guy, it is all I really know (I, like most men, know nothing about women). Now I think I want a daughter. I'd love to have a little girl to play with, teach things too and watch her grow up. In reality I would be happy with any child, but I hope that he/she is healthy.
As for me, I am scared shitless. I just met with a life insurance guy and am meeting with a few more. The idea of me being responsible for someone else's life is very scary. I have been replaying conversations with my dad in my head. I remember the sex talk, the first girlfriend talk, him teaching me to fight, but restrain myself unless it was necessary, the first time I drove, the first day of school, and after his heart surgery two days before he died, when we all suspected he would die. I hope I can live up to the example he set for me.
Sorry for the non-TV related rant. I'll keep you posted.