Anyone see tonight's episode, the next to last episode? I thought it was GREAT with Claire spewing anti-Shrub, anti-war venom! She was ALL wound up! (with a lot of vodka and beer, but we won't go there)
The chartreuse hearse's demise was very significant for Claire, I think. I think it represents letting go of her past, and welcoming the future.
I have no idea where things are going with David however. Is he just going to flat-out lose his mind? It seems like that is what is happening. Keith is being very patient with him, but the previews from next week intimated that David feels like Keith is setting him up to leave him. I just don't know.
It hasn't been spoken, but are Ruth and George back together? It seems like she is sorta welcoming him 'home'. Tonight, she asked him if 'they' could raise Maya together.
Okay. WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON WITH BRENDA AND BILLY? 'This is what your penis would feel like if you had one'. I am speechless. Nate telling Brenda to move to Nova Scotia with Billy, raise the baby as their own, and tell everyone they are married. And it seems as if she is entertaining the idea! At least doing some serious fantasizing. I don't even know what else to add to this.
Good for Rico checking out the 'For Sale' Mausoleum. I thought he and Vanessa were great together tonight. Really connected to one another at last, and great with their boys.
Anybody else have any other insights as to where this all might be heading??