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Survivor: Guatemala

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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-17-05 10:44 AM
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Survivor: Guatemala
Survivor: Guatemala

"CBS has announced the 16 new castaways to compete in "Survivor: Guatemala -- The Maya Empire," which takes place among the ancient Mayan ruins and ceremonial sites in northern Guatemala.

The eleventh installment of the series will premiere Sept. 15. For now, here's a look at the new castaways, including former NFL quarterback Gary Hogeboom."

A former quarterback? Aren't football players multi-millionaires? Not that he doesn't have the right to participate but if he's a millionaire then he will be voted off in a heartbeat.

That's all there is on that page. I wanted to post the link for the cast photos. Clicking on a photo gives you a very short bio:

Anyone have any idea when it starts?? :bounce:
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haele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-17-05 09:41 PM
Response to Original message
1. Lovely area they're going to -
They've got to watch out for some very aggressive monkeys, snakes, and parrots. Those wild parrots can be mean if they feel their fledglings are threatened!

It's also still monsoon season down there - and will be through much of September. So I predict that we'll be seeing surroundings similar to Survivor Amazon, only wetter...

I'm wondering if the Guatemalan government made a deal with the production crew to help with some of the restoration work they've been doing over the past few decades - there's been a lot of chaos and political uncertainty that did some major destruction there. There's also a (slight) possibility of the occasional bandit attack - Guatemala is still a poor country, and tourists (as well as the occasional Archaeologist, according to my mom who used to work in Archeology and has been down to Honduras studying the Maya before she retired).

As for the quarterback, from what I understand, he was a consistent third stringer or something in that order in the late 80's/early 90's for only about 5-6 seasons before he cycled out of the "profession". He didn't get the big bucks you hear about, just the standard contract the majority of the players get - and he's had to work since he left the game.

Just because he's been a QB doesn't mean he automatically got a multi-million dollar signing bonus out of college - the few jocks that went pro for a while before they went onto other professions (like become a shipyard welder or go into the military) that I know never really made any money, even though they might have been signed on as, say, a running back to Green Bay or a shortstop to the Orioles.
Big signing paydays to rookies is actually a fairly recent phenomena - especially since college sports rules have loosened to allow the kids to sign on with agents while they're still freshmen or sophomores instead of sticking with a college program until they decide to make the break to go pro.

Anyway, Laz and I are really looking forward to watching this season.

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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-22-05 08:21 AM
Response to Original message
2. SPOILER Question RE: Survivor Guatemala
Several spoiler sites are posting that Stephanie and Bobby Jon are back this season in some capacity, some say as coaches and others as players. Has anyone heard anything more about this? I suspect it is not true, since Mark Brunet has done very little tinkering with the basic formula, and he spoke very poorly about the all-start season and reportedly does not want to do "returning players" again. That said, he does like to shake it up a bit every season, and those two got such a tough deal by being placed on the worst team in survivor history. It would make for good TV.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-23-05 01:38 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I say there is no possible chance this is happening
Here's what I think happened. Remember, there was some strange love out there for these two losers. So, on some message board, someone likely posted that they hoped/wished BJ and Steph could come back. Someone repeated it elsewhere, the Telephone Game began in earnest, and before long it was reported as fact in the NY Post, which will report anything.

Coaches? Why? And why these two? Why not the uber-popular Rupert? Or winners from previous seasons? Or Mike Skupin, the only player who truly deserves a second chance?

I will bet money they are nowhere to be seen.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-23-05 02:49 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. How much money
I'm kidding laz. I suspect you are right. I know you are right about the Post publishing anything, but I suspect you are correct that these two former players won't be returning. It was a bit harsh calling them losers, unless you meant it in the literal way (that all players who don't win are by definition losing players), as opposed to a comment on their character. I really think these two were good players who were on a very bad team. I must admit, I have such a crush on Stephanie that I would probably say anything to get her back on TV in that quickly falling apart bra again. Though she would probably have a new bra or swimsuit for these episodes.

Now having Michael come back, that would be something. He was always a favorite of mine. That would be incredible to have him return for another shot.

Oh well, I can dream about stephanie and wait for the dvd to come out. Looking forward to another season.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-23-05 05:32 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Yes, just literally
I loved Bobby Jon, he was from my neck of the woods in Lower Alabama. They did make some horrid mistakes (I think Steph was most responsible for the downfall of the tribe), but things happen.

I still don't understand why Mike wasn't asked back for All Stars. Supposedly, he's been "on stand-by" for several seasons now, and is getting a bit ticked off about it. I dunno. :shrug:

As for the twists?

I can think of a couple of neat ones. First is a twist we all already heard about, I believe: They'll be living in actual Mayan ruins. I also heard that they'll be undergoing a grueling hike to their camps.

A possible twist: One camp, two tribes. Or one camp, one tribe from the beginning. I don't like that one, though. I do like one camp, two tribes.

BTW, the tribal colours are blue and yellow. This makes only 4 out of 11 seasons to not have yellow, and one of those, Thailand, had Gold, which is sorta yellow.

Of course, the same is true of blue, but at least they've been different shades of blue. Why not some more Green, of which we've only had two? Black could make a return, even.

I've got two green camouflage buffs from Survivor Palau, btw. They were going to be used for the merge tribe that never happened.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 07:24 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. I heard they are not in the ruins, but around them
I would worry about letting some dumbass Americans live in ancient ruins, which I would assume have a great deal of historical value. I read somewhere that they will stay near the Mayan ruins, but not sleep in them.

I would love Michael to return. I hope they keep it two tribes, but it would be fun to force them to live together. That is very cool about the camo buff. I was in NYC a few weeks back and went to the CBS store, they had the camo buffs there. I did not know they were for the merged tribe that never happened.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 07:10 PM
Response to Reply #8
12. Actually
Mayan ruins are so plentiful down there, they're in people's backyards. CBS probably cut a deal, let us use 'em, we'll fix 'em up and pay for some extra archaeology.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 07:58 AM
Response to Reply #5
9. Lazarus - 20, 18 or 16 players?
I had another thought. During the finale of last season, when Probst went on to discuss the next season, he stated that 18 Americans will embark on a journey of a lifetime, heading to the ancient ruins of the Mayan Empire in Guatemala.

The photo of the players and the CBS press release only has 16 players listed.


The same CBS press release says for "39 days, 20 strangers will be stranded together and forced to carve out a new existence, using their collective wits to make surviving in their rugged environment a little easier."

The press release also says that the castaways will begin their adventure with a grueling 11 mile hike through the jungle and in addition to the grueling hike, the castaways will be faced with two additional surprises in the first episode that will dramatically impact how they play the game.

A few things don't add up here. I don't think Brunet would make errors like that, unless it was on purpose. Probst said 18 players, the press release names only 16 people, but said 20 strangers. There may be more survivors coming in the first episode, and there may be 2 non-players, which might be Bobby Jon and Steph. I'm not sure, but some of these things don't add up. What do you think? Am I making something out of nothing?
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 07:05 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. Here's what I make of it
They originally wanted 18, but two dropped out at the last minute, or something, or they just changed their minds. Remember, the planning for this is done way in advance, and changes as time goes on.

As for the press release, Probst has stated repeatedly that CBS' press department never bothers to talk to Burnett, et al., and makes stuff up like "biggest twist ever!" all the time.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 07:39 AM
Response to Reply #11
13. Thats true
CBS tends to ignore what actually happens on the show when they run ads.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-05 07:19 AM
Response to Reply #3
14. Brunet is bringing back two castmates
The TV promo confirm two former cast members are coming back. I hope this works out.
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ernstbass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-05 08:30 AM
Response to Reply #14
15. I read somewhere (spoiler alert)
that Stephanie and Bobbi Jon were coming back but in the preview, the proflie of the man doesn't look like Bobbie Jon - any ideas who they might be?
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-14-05 09:32 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. Spoiler
It is very clear that one person is Stephanie. She is seen in two photo cuts from various promos. Once she is in the foreground and you only see her headband, but it appears to be her. The second she is in the background of one of the boat scenes and it looks to be her for sure. I have no doubt she is the female returning survivor. Some have said the male may be Colby or Mike from outback, and both would appear to fit the "profile" shot in the promo with the short hair and large nose. I still think it is Bobby Jon, but who knows. I think Mike Skupin deserves it more tha Bobby John, who screwed up a few times last season. Mike just got burned.
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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-23-05 09:28 PM
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Just saw it on TV and thought I'd let everyone know.

OH SHIT!!!!! I just realized I will be in Korea from the 14th through the 22nd. AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:mad: :argh:
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 07:19 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. I can't wait
It looks like it will be a good season, but then again, I think even a bad season of Survivor is better than most of the scripted crap on TV.
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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-24-05 08:27 AM
Response to Reply #7
10. I completely agree
I watch very little scripted TV anymore. Just seems to be the same storylines rehashed over and over again. Or the crap is just lame.
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-15-05 03:38 PM
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17. Here's a theory
The previous Survivors who are "participating" this season?

They have to be team captains. Basically, they'll show up, pick the teams, and scoot out of there.

My reasoning? The breakdowns of the tribes. In the past, MB has tried to have an even trend in ages in the tribes. The only seasons this hasn't happened? Thailand and Palau, where the survivors picked, in one fashion or another.

Age differences between tribes. Seasons with picked tribes instead of pre-selected tribes are bolded:

S1: 6.5 years. This is basically due to both Sonja and Rudy's being on the same team.

S2: 2 years

S3: 3 years

S4: 4 years (Hey, a weird trend I hadn't noticed. Hmmm.....)

S5: 11 years

S6: 2 years

S7: 2 years

S8: all screwy due to all stars and three tribes, but a spread of 5 years. I tend to ignore S8 in statistical analysis due to the pre-existing relationships, three tribe structure, and general weirdness that went on.

S9: 2 years

S10: 7 years

S11: 7.5 years

See what I mean? After the first season, we have tribal age differences of 2-4 years, except for three.

Basically, it comes down to this:

Thailand had an 11 year age difference between tribes. It had team captains, Jake and Jan. Jake decided to go with youth, Jan with age. Age won.

Palau, with a 7.5 age difference, had the "chain captain" concept, which would work towards having a person select someone who was close to them in age, generally speaking.

So, if the returning Survivors are simply ceremonial captains, we'd see differing philosophies, resulting in one tribe's having 5 people under 25, and the other tribe's having 5 people over 25.

Granted, the retreads could continue to play, for as long as it takes to be voted out, but I feel confident the age breakdown indicates they're selecting the tribes.

And I feel confident that the retreads will be voted out as quickly as the winners on All Stars. I have no idea why MB would do this. The least popular concept he ever came up with was the Outcasts, and the worst concept after that was All Stars, he admitted himself.

This sort of blends the two together.

I agree with those who say Skupin deserves another chance, if anyone. Why he was left off All Stars is beyond me. I think Rupert probably stole his place when his popularity soared beyond reasonable expectation. So let's let him have his place. Heck, any season would do. His pre-merge elimination due to injury would likely not bias a tribe against him, I think.
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