Okay, apart from the highly annoying tease at the beginning of the show as to who is the new Prez, what was everyone's thoughts about it?
To me it seemed very choppy, it didn't flow, even the build-up about the leaker seemed weak...
I sincerely hope that we get through this election bullcrap within the first three episodes, so we can see what a Santos Presidency looks like.
Of course if Alan Alda becomes the President I won't have a reason to watch it anymore, and I have to believe that regardless of how coy the producers of the show are being, they know without a shadow of a doubt that if a repuklican gets "elected" the show is DOA.
What is interesting though, is the fact that the rethuglican running is a moderate. His rnc acceptance speech was magnanimous, and his rhetoric hasn't been the fire and brimstone that we see in real life. I wonder if the producers/writers are giving the Dems a heads-up about what to look out for in 2008. If another hard-line facistv like shrub gets the repub nod, it'll be easy to knock them down, but if it's a moderate, that appeals to the centre that could present alot of challenges....