I had hopes for this one. I have a passion for a good disaster movie. (I thought Katrina would have cured that, but it didn't)
TV trailers show chaotic weather across the planet with random special effects (I like the one where the guy gets sucked up by a tornado and you see him spin up to the sky)
http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/arts/tv/reviews/14921/The review was kind of scorchingly negative, but you never know. Sometimes those movies are painful fun. Did anyone ever see the tornado tv movie that showed a tornado "sneak" up on a security guard? He goes outside to check on the weather (things are ok) and he turns around and whoomp there's the tornado and it sucks him away. My sister and I still joke about "stealth tornados".
Anyway, I will watch this one with subdued hope.