to hit TV ever?
The young lad, Alan Shore, is a nut, and a very comical one, but for me, Danny Crane must be the funniest character to hit the box ever; and I don't know if anyone could play the part - live the part - as perfectly as Shatner!
The very characteristics/flaws(?) of his own personality, which apparently made him somewhat less than popular with a number of the other members of the cast of "Star Trek" (of which, I believe he was completely unaware), were custom-made for this role. A gift from heaven. As if that were not enough, his physical features just consummate the whole glorious package: the slightly bloated face and little piggy eyes! Absolutely hilarious. One of those characters you know is going to say or do something hilarious/outrageous, and you struggle to hold back your laughter before he delivers his punch-line, verbal or otherwise.
Candice Bergen, as Shirley Schmidt seems a perfect foil for his madness, too! "Danny..Danny...Danny"... The three of them seem to be on a similar wave-length - one quite different and more flakily multi-dimensional than their colleagues.