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Shipwrecked (new UK reality show)

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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-21-06 07:55 PM
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Shipwrecked (new UK reality show)
This looks like a great show that we can't see yet since it's a UK production. If anyone here lives in the UK, or gets this show, and can do a NTSC/PAL conversion, I'll pay money.

A description a friend in Ireland gave me:

It is on Channel4 and is called">Shipwrecked 2006. This is a reworking of the old show Shipwrecked but with a twist. The show's contestants are split into two tribes: The Shark Tribe and the Tiger Tribe. Each week a new contestant enters the show. For their first week they spend three days with one tribe and three days with the other. At the end of the week there is a beach party ( the only time both tribes are together ) - that is where the new contestant descides what tribe they want to join. The show runs for five months and a new contestant will be introduced each week with the winner of the show being the tribe with the most members.

Doesn't that sound like a better summer treat than what Big Brother has devolved into? Oh, he also used to be a HUGE BBUK fan, but has lost interest. The average age of the cast used to be 28-30, but now it's down to @20. Ick.

But this show looks \ fascinating. Imagine the bribery, the schmoozing, the sunshine being blown up asses....Brian Heidik would be a GOD at this game. B-) As would Chris, I think. Who else would work well in this game?

My only real question: If the winners are the largest tribe, what's to stop people from just piling on one tribe, and then stopping as soon as they have a locked in majority? OTOH, reading the rules, people can, if they wish and the receiving tribe accepts, switch tribes, so a 2 or 3 person migration could totally tilt things. Making the game even cooler.

I want this show badly.
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Mojambo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-22-06 02:49 PM
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1. Seems like pretty standard reality fare to me.
I'd keep an eye on torrent sites. Maybe it will eventually be uploaded.
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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-22-06 03:10 PM
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2. Interesting
Sounds confusing to me but maybe it would be less so if I had ever seen the original. Or maybe I'm just a dough head. :D

Off topic -- did anyone see the People's Choice Awards? I only saw bits and pieces but the reality show nominees were Survivor, American Idol, and Fear Factor. Fear Factor? American Idol won -- don't mean to offend anyone, but I hate that show. Are the nominees picked by the people or do the people just vote on the nominees? I thought The Amazing Race should have been one of the top three.
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