It pains me to be that blunt, but there it is, made even more so by perhaps the most misleading show title in the series' history -- Requiem. Perhaps John Spencer would not have wanted a big sendoff. But I was expecting much more than a fast-forward through his funeral Mass, used as a run-up to the credits. I also did not expect the reception to be like a cocktail party with cameo appearances by former cast members. I did not have a problem so much with Santos conducting business as usual because that is the nature of the game, especially during a transition. But I could have done without the CJ/Danny repartee -- totally out of place. I would have liked to have seen Mallory more. It was clear that she and Leo had a close relationship --it would have been touching if Jed had had a few moments with her and her son. ("Let me tell you about your grandpa...") And frankly, I also could have done without Amy Gardiner showing up. Not so much the character, but the way Mary-Louise Parker performed. Very brittle and forced.
The past several episodes have been outstanding, which makes this one even more disappointing. I think they could have done better to honor John Spencer the man, and Leo the character, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they kept it low key for a reason. I just wish the show could have been more of a retrospective. The storyline could have been put on hold for one week.
(And does anybody want to make a bet -- based on next week's preview, anyway -- just how many more times Josh and Donna will hit the sack? Please. I like them as much as anyone, but let's not turn the show into a soap opera with only three episodes to go.)