I'm very pleased Ozzy missed another bullet last night; I really think he should win, because he's hands-down the best "survivor" that has ever been on the game, at least from the traditional definition of the term, not the game. His weak point is clearly the "outwit" part, because he reveals his hand way too casually.
It crossed my mind that Ozzy (or someone) engineered the losing of the immunity challenge. They should have been very mentally sharp to do that puzzle quickly, having just gotten a good protein and carb boost the day prior. I was shocked at how poorly they were doing, and Ozzy's face didn't look too concerned about it.
Yul is looking like he might make it to the end, but you just never know how things might change. course, he does have that idol, but didn't he promise Becky (?) that he'd give it to her if she needed it?
I didn't understand the choice to not send Nate to Exile island, since it would have delayed his reporting to his tribe what went on during his visit with the other tribe. Not sure if it would have mattered, but that's what I would have done.
I hope they merge soon, so Ozzy can defend himself.