to figure all that out.
Getting rid of Adam would have been beneficial to Ozzy if for no other reason than eliminating the food/feeding dilemma. Now he's stuck in the situation of either 1) continuing to feed his competitor or 2) force the issue by removing the food, even though Adam et al brought the food back from reward for them, and thus get jury members pissed off at him, something he's avoided mostly until now.
It was a bit odd during tribal council when Adam said something about how food/feeding, or lack thereof, has a direct impact on winning challenges -- and acknowledges that Jonathan lost the challenge because he was on the island, but somehow failed to note that Ozzy may have won because they brought him food back from the reward??? (although I'm pretty sure Ozzy would have won that challenge anyway)
OK, so let's say Ozzy flips and votes with Adam and Parvati for Yul; then Yul, Jenny and Sundra vote for ... Adam, right? So why would Adam go along with this plan? Not that he would have any choice -- except to convince Yul that Ozzy has turned against him and that they need to vote off Ozzy. Unless Ozzy wins the idol.
Sheesh. I never realized how much more powerful the hidden immunity idol was in a revealed state.
They all may decide that it's too risky to vote for Yul, ever, and just accept that he's in the final 2, and then everyone just maneuvers to get along side him.