I'm sure most of you out there are already familiar with David's pet project, A Dog's Breakfast, but for those of you not aware of it, I'll give you some info.
During the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis hiatus in January, Hewlett and his sister, Kate, as well as some of the gang from both shows, worked on Hewlett's film. Hewlett directed, wrote and is in the film, along with Rachel Luttrell, Paul McGillion, Chris Judge and a couple of others. Hewlett also has up a website with blogs, trailer and clips from the movie. Here's the site:
http://www.adogsbreakfastmovie.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=33David has really gotten the fans involved with this project, which is great, and he definitely gets a prize for most gregarious actors I have ever seen. Go, David!