Also posted in the Lounge...Does anyone love this show as much as I do? :)
I'm anxiously awaiting the next season and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story continues to develop. Will Aang defeat the Fire Lord? Will Aang admit his feelings to Katara (who is becoming a damn powerful waterbender, I might add), and how will she react? Who will be Aang's firebending instructor? Will Zuko finally redeem himself in the eyes of his father and regain his throne? And will Azula
finally get her comeuppance? I hope all of these questions will get answered this season...
Mark your calendars, the third seasons starts on Friday, September 21. For a trailer of the third season (Book Three: Fire), click
here. (*POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT* If you have not seen how season 2 ended, you may not want to watch the video just yet, as it could give a couple of things away.)
Also, the complete Book Two: Earth collection will be on sale on DVD on Tuesday, September 11. Amazon has it on sale
So, who else is excited about the upcoming season?