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Survivor China - Episode 3 Discussion Thread - NO SPOILERS

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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-05-07 10:44 AM
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Survivor China - Episode 3 Discussion Thread - NO SPOILERS
I can;t say I was sorry to see the christian radio girl sign off. Leslie was annoying, but her bad call at tellign her tribe that she revealed all their inner workings to teh other tribe was among the dumbest survivor moves ever I Think courtney was sure to go if Leslie would have shut her mouth. But she did not, so we get another weeek of the nice, but emaciated Courtney. She is still my favorite on teh show. I hope she makes it to day 39 just to see how little she weighs by then. If I were going on survivor, I would add 10-15 pounds of fat before it started just so I could lose some and keep up my strength.

Jean Robert is pretty gross with his cuddles. Its funny trying ot get warmth from Courtney though. She ahs what, ten pounds of meat on her bones. James was right about how to cook that crab, though his few hours at Barnes and Noble did nto make him Crocodile Dundee.

The Reward challenge was fun. I love hand to hand combat. James is an animal. Leslie is an idiot. She never should have mentioned her faith and that she met other christians on teh other tribe. Jean Robert and James were idiots for talking like that in teh water. Todd is probably the smartest player out there. He is using Courtney, but I still like him.

Using Courtney for the lead leg of the Immunity Challenge was stupid. she is a liability on physical challenges. They should have used James first to build a lead, then switched to a weaker tribe member. Though it would nto have mattered since she could not even hold the machette. She should be on the puzzle patrol in all future challenges.

Overall I think it was a mistake to get rid of Leslie. She would have stayed if she had any brains, but still, courtney is a liability. Though I love my skinny NYC chic, she is gonna be hard to work around on the challenges.

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Demit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-05-07 01:28 PM
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1. Leslie seemed to think it was God's will that she go, lol.
I wonder if she'll ever put it together that no, it was her own boneheadedness that did it. I think the tribe was right to chuck her out now. The other tribe could kidnap her again & milk her for more information, which she would happily give, in her happy Christian sharing way. Courtney, though I had started to like her better once she started settling in a bit, totally dumbfounded me with how she didn't even look like she WANTED to try in the challenge. I mean, stopping to pull up her top every two seconds? Unless she can redeem herself somehow, she's who they have in their hip pocket for going next.

It's nice to see a six-pack-sculpted-body guy who can actually do stuff. Can't remember his name—the one from a few Survivors ago, had that Greek god look, and couldn't do sh*t? Wasn't strong, couldn't swim? I am pulling for James.

I'm liking this Survivor so far. Took me ages to warm up to any members in the last one. I'm still looking forward to Dave getting his comeuppance. I will love that when it comes. That business with his going to get the brick for the fire, lecturing everybody the whole on earth does he have any friends in real life? And how do you acquire an attitude like that being a bartender?

Yes, Todd so far looks like the most well-adjusted. Head on his shoulders, even temperament... I picked Frosti, though, so I hope he gets a chance to shine in something.
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Goblinmonger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-05-07 03:30 PM
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2. They should have used Courtney on the Reward Challenge
Only idiots save the weak for the Immunity Challenge.

I so wanted James to just chop that whole block off with one swing when he got his turn.

And I think Courtney would have been useless on the puzzle end because she would have had to drag that thing across the line.
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