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WEST WING - 12/8 **Spoiler**

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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 09:14 AM
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WEST WING - 12/8 **Spoiler**
Wow, that was a great episode.
Josh is clearly on the way out. I don't think they are doing a very good job explaining why he is outside though. He has been "in the room" for several major events in the Barlet Administration. If he was being excluded, Bartlet would have to order it. It does not seem normal. Regardless though, last night made it clear he is out.
I'm glad he did not take Will's offer to be VP Bob's Campaign Director. Thats okay, because Bruno is available. They mentioned that Bruno was running Governor Baker's campaign. But Baker "dropped out," leaving it really up to the VP and Hoynes. Josh has offers from both to lead the campaign, and an offer from Hoynes to be Chief of Staff if he wins. That is tough to turn down, but he will. He will move on to Santos (Jimmie Smits) and will run a Bartlet type come from behind campaign. That will be fun to watch.

Alan Alda's Senator Vinick is going to be fun to watch. He is a moderate republican who favors abortion, but is opposed to late term abortion. The funniest line of the night was when Donna heard him speak about a flag burning magic trick Penn and Teller did at Zoe's birthday party (he basically said the Bill of Rights lets them burn the flag) Donna said to Josh "You've got a year to convince me not to vote for him." It was great.

Oh yeah, Bartlet in a wheelchair, MS is full active mode, was great. I wish we could have seen the speech to the press. It would have been incredible.
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Beaverhausen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 05:38 PM
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1. Great episode- but I don't think Josh is on the way out at all.
They will just keep us guessing about who he will support. I'm guessing they will drap this election cycle out for 2 seasons! Fine with me.

But I thought Mary Kay Place's Surgeon General character was fired or resigned a few seasons ago????
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Mojambo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Bartlet never accepted her resignation
I love the primary machinations that are going on this season.

I think you might see Goodman brought back to present a conservative challenge to Vinick in the Republican primary.

I wish there was some way they could engineer a general election "crisis" similar to what occurred in 1800 when the ticket was eventually split. How cool would it be to see an administration of Vinick AND Santos? They've kind of set up Santos as a guy who's willing to work across party lines to make things happen...

Plus, keeping both Alan Alda and Jimmy Smits would be a lot of star power if they decided to keep the show going (doubtful.)

I'm enjoying this season a great deal.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 08:32 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Alda said he won;t do a TV show
Alan Alda was asked about his long term availability for film and theater roles and he said he is taking other work for next season. He indicated he told the WW staff that he will stick around until the General Election, but at this point in his career he does not want a long term television series job. I think that pretty much closed the door on his character winning.

Smits however is interested.

Goodman's current contract with CBS does not allow him to appear on NBC or ABC, so unless NBC is willing to pay money to CBS to let him out of that deal (plus his show is doing okay in the ratings) it is not likely that he will make an appearance.
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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 09:34 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. SPOILER - Goodbye Josh
Warning, if you don't want to know what will happen in the next 10 or so episodes, don't read this post.

They have shot up to about episode 17. In the next three episodes Josh realizes that he has no place in the CJ run Bartlet administration, and is scared on Bingo Bob Russell winning the white house. In episode 9 or 10, Josh will visit Santos at home one night to convince him to run for the nomination. He will quit after the holidays. Donna will join Will working for the Veep in a Josh level position. (This will allow NBC to concentrate on their relationship, which will continue in the next season if Santos wins and ratings allow). Donna gets a staff in the meantime and it pisses Josh off when he calls her at the Russell Campaign HQ and an intern gives him a hard time before putting him through to her. She also uses lots of Josh's old advise during the Bartlet Campaign against him and Santos. It reads pretty funny, I think it will be great to watch.

Santos' wife, Helen (actress not identified yet) will object when he tells her he is running, but will come around when they realize its him or Bingo Bob. Josh gives him something called the Lyman 9 point plan to win the White House. Though this will not pan out (winning might, but the plan will be a joke).

They play out the next few episodes after christmas with the Veep as the leaders in money and name recognition, the other candidates are Hoynes, Senate Minority Leader Trippelhorn (played by Geoff Pierson), Senator Rafferty, and Santos. Santos is always behind, he makes some dumb comments (one about the Mayflower) but remains close. He isn't allowed to debate at first, but will make some great speeches and finish strong in NH (3rd behind Russel and Hoynes). NH is his turning point, like Iowa was for Bartlet.

They will play several episode sin NH. The set looks great, filmed in Dundas CA, which looks a lot like NH. Episode 16-17 and the NH primary is is all they have in the can already. Currently, the WW actors and staff are on Christmas break from filming. It is also very difficult for the producers, because the final few episodes are not written yet. It depends on Martin Sheen. If Sheen won't sign on for at least 1/2 a season next year, they will fast forward around episode 19 to the Primary, and run the general election for 2 episodes with Smits against Alan Alda. The final episode of the season will be a goodbye to Bartlet and introducing the new POTUS, Santos.

However, if Sheen will agree to a 10-14 episode deal for next year, they will run this season through the primary, giving Santos the win in the final episodes. Then spend next year on the general election around sweeps in November. Then wrap up Bartlet and hand the show to Smits in the February sweeps (if he shows that he can do it in the ratings.)

While doing all this campaign stuff, they still try to show the Bartlet admin and its legacies. If you want some great spoilers on the Bartlet admin, MS and what else goes on, let me know and we can chat about that. It should be an exciting season.
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