I love it when a plan falls apart! I love todd, and I am pretty sure he is gonna win this thing, but man did that episode show how a plan can go bad quick. It was a smart move to vote out Sherea and keep Jean-Robert. He is next to go though. I think this move gets Frosti over on Todd's side, plus I think James is still going to go Todd's littel group. That crap on teh preview with Courtney is bogus. She is a NYC bitch (and I so love her for it). She is just gonna vent and will still be with Todd and Amanda come merge. It will go into the merge looking 5-5, but I think its really 7-3 because Frosti and James are with Todd. Though I bet Todd, who may be the smartest player since Rob C., cuts Frosti loose once they rid of Aaron, when he will no longer need his vote. his being around of rthe immunity idol pissed off amanda and todd, and he needs to go. also, once they get rid of a few people, James whould get the boot too. That guy can run the table on physical challanges. I still thinks its Todd's game to lose, with Amanda being the person who just tags along and does nto get the votes at the final tribal. She needs to step it up and start makign some public moves if she is gonna win this thing. She obviously convinced Todd to keep Jean-robert, but that was not seen by the others. Todd is smart, he is playign good and not pissing anyone off too much.
As for last night's episode, Todd and Amanda were smart to make sure it was James they kidnapped. Todd was also smart to reveal teh idol to his three team members. He is keepign control, but not making it obvious. That reward was great. James in teh shower being gawked at by the ladies was great. All is all, another good episode.