Well, I'm out of the contest. I can't believe James did not play his idol at tribal. He has two idols, with four ICs left to win. Even if he uses one, he has the chance to win one and keep the last. HE has to play the idol last night. Even if its just to keep his friends honest with the last idol. Also, Todd was a fool. He should have asked Amanda to vote for PG too. Then you would have had two votes for PG, two votes for Todd and three for James. so even if he played the idol, it would have been a tie and revote where he had the numbers even after losing James. My respect for Todd has gone all the way down and my love for Am,anda is growing. BEsides being a total babe, she is smart, strong and really good at reading people. I love how she responded to PG's comments about James. Plus, her going out to meet the group when they arrived back at camp may have shored up Eric's vote for her in the end. She is gonna win this thing. James gets props for nto being mad at the end. He did roll the dice too many times.
The challange at tribal was boring. Not excitign at all. I will say that the trip to the Shaolin Temple was one of the best survivor rewards ever, maybe the best. Courtney did nothing to piss me off for the first time, I loved her in the little cave. I think she is solidizing her role with Todd and Amanda and will join them in teh final three. Amanda has shown her power over courtney and Todd with teh plan to oust James. She still lets Todd talk, whcih turns even her own aliance against him a little. She is playing this game better then anyone since Hatch or Brian H.
Overall, a weak, but good episode. It showed who deserves to win this year (amanda) and showed the player who could have won it all get ousted because of a stupid mistake.